Izuku is one smart kitty - 4

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Edited March 3, 2024

Shouta stands up to head to class as his boss would only let him get away with sleeping through the day so many times but pauses when he notices Izuku fiddling with his scarf and seeming nervous. "What's wrong kid?" He asks and Izuku looks up at his with his big green eyes. He shrugs and begins to fiddle again, managing to find his silver chained necklace under the scarf that holds his wedding ring that matches his husbands. "Why don't you wear your ring?" Izuku asks holding the black Zirconium up. "Because we don't want bad guys to find out me and Zashi are married and use it to hurt us. That's also why we don't tell anyone about Toshi being our son but you're changing the subject. Are you nervous to meet the class? They are loud idiots but nice like Zashi." "Oh..." Izuku says quietly before taking and deep breath and nodding trying to look brave as he scrunched his nose and squints his eyes.

The walk to class 1A's room takes only a minute or two but Izuku grows nervous again and hides his face in his hero's scarf. Switching from his dad voice to teacher voice, Eraserhead slides the door open and tells the brats to shut up as they have a visitor today. "But Sensei!" Ilda tries to speak up, more than likely to complain about the sudden scheduling change but is interrupted by his teacher's glare. "Ilda I am aware this is not part of our usual schedule, sit down. Izuku will be staying with us today and you will not bother him unless he comes up to you first, understood?" The man glares at his class, daring them to say anything against it and slowly pulls Izuku out of his scarf and onto his hip. Gasps can be heard throughout the class from both the girls and some of the guys. Mina and Hagakure are the loudest as they try and fail to squeal quietly. Mineta grumbles about a baby getting all the girls but Tsu and Jiro react as he does so by slapping him with their tongue and zapping him with their earjack respectively.

"Izuku, do you want to sit at my desk and color or stay on my hip?" Shouta whispers to the boy and Izuku continues to hide his face from the others and just tap Shouta's hip. For home room, he goes over the training exercises they covered at the USJ the day before and the damages their mistakes can cause to the victims and themselves. Izuku stays still and awake for the entire hour and Shouta is surprised to see him not trying to wiggle around to get out any energy. Cats do tend to sleep 16 hours a day so that could explain it but he didn't know for sure. With a few minutes until Hizashi arrives to teach English, he asks Izuku if he wants to talk to the class and receives a nod in response.

"Alright class, Izuku is okay with talking to you all before Mic arrives but if you are too loud he will be leaving the room and staying with someone else." Aizawa sensei says, warning his students not to be stupid and calls on Momo to ask the first question. She kindly offers to make Izuku some crayons and markers if he would like to draw and Izuku sends her a smile and nods happily. Soon Izuku is sitting on Shouta's desk with crayons, markers, a notebook, and a Present Mic coloring book. Shouta tenses and prepares to use his quirk soon knowing that Hizashi will squeal at the sight of it and risk damaging all their ear drums and the room's windows. Mina asks if she can pet Izuku's ears and he covers his ears and says no. All the girls look visibly disappointed at this but understand and don't push the matter with their sensei glaring at them. Kirishima calls Izuku little dude and just asks for a fist bump which he receives after explaining to the toddler what it was.

Hizashi makes his presence known with a "Yeah!" as he slides the room open and is shut up quickly by his secret husband's scarf. In response, the man tries to pout but lets out a muffled squeal at the sight of Izuku using a coloring book about him. Izuku continues to color through out all of English, Math, and Art. He colors in the coloring book for a bit before switching to his new notebook and gives each hero a doodle of them with quirk analysis. By lunchtime he has done doodles for all of 1A but no quirk analysis for them just yet. They have hero training after lunch and he has permission from Zawa and Zashi to watch. Lunch rush gives him miso soup with extra fish for lunch and Izuku gets to eat in the teacher's lounge with Zawa and Zashi. Nemuri, Zashi, and Ectoplasm thank him for his drawings and Izuku promises Zawa that his drawing was next. He is introduced to the other teachers that hadn't been in the lounge that morning and warms up to them all as he has seen videos of them fighting before and knows he can trust them.

Before heading back to class, Shouta tells Izuku that Nezu bought him a few books if he wants to try and read them later and Izuku happily agrees. They bring the books with them and seeing as All Might was running late once more, Aizawa tells his class to just stay seated while they wait. "Can... can I read to dem?" Izuku whispers after tugging on Shouta's scarf to grab his attention. "Alright brats, Izuku is going to read for us while we wait so shut up and sit down." He commands as some of the teens had gotten out of their seats to talk with one another. Sitting criss cross apple sauce on top of the hero's desk, Izuku hides behind the book he chose to read to the class as he is still feeling a little shy. It was a simple children's book about a moose getting a muffin but was meant for children to read around age 6 or 7. The entire class is very respectful as they listened quietly and are proud of Izuku as he sounds out a couple of the bigger words and reads the entire book without needing help. His fangs seem to make it harder for him to pronounce like words with the "th" sound coming out a "d" instead and not being able to say his h's or l's at all.

As the class claps for Izuku doing a wonderful job, he puts the book down and fiddles with his tail as he isn't used to all this attention. His ears flick up as a loud sound sounds in the hallway and he covers his ears as he looks to the doorway for the noise to arrive. "I AM HERE!" All Might announces as he flings the door open and stands proudly with his chest puffed out. Izuku giggles and copies the man's pose and takes the class to ground beta with Izuku piggybacking on his shoulders. All Might was threatened heavily by Shouta earlier that morning and Nezu before class which was why he had arrived late. With Nemuri's help, playing as a hostage against villain bots, the students went in teams of four to save her. The rest of the class and Izuku watch from the monitor room and Izuku happily rambles about all their cool quirks!

The entire class is impressed by Izuku's comments and watch as he takes notes in his notebook for them. He has to ask help with remembering some bigger words by explaining with simpler words he already knew how to spell and asks questions about quirk usage. Todoroki and Bakugo's quirks are the coolest in his opinion but is disappointed when Todoroki doesn't know how to make any shapes like snowflakes or flowers out of his ice. When training was over, everyone quickly changes out of their gym uniforms and Hitoshi smirks smugly at his classmates as he gets to hold Izuku's hand on the walk back to class. The rest of the day is a study block and as Izuku now sees class 1A as heroes, he knows they can be trusted too and no longer feels the need to be shy and hide.

He showed off his counting skills by counting all his fingers and easily jumps to his toes as he still refuses to wear any shoes and is able to keep going so he counts all of Hitoshi and Denki's fingers too. After reaching 40, he gets tired of counting little numbers and jumps to tens until he reaches 100 and skips to hundreds until getting up to 1000. Izuku knows his 2 and 3 times tables and asks Mina to start asking hard questions when she writes down simple adding and subtracting problems for him to do. Tsu quizzes him on how he learned all these things at so young as none of her younger siblings learned as fast as he has. Izuku happily rambles about all the cool books his momma would give him to keep him quiet as she was always busy with work and she needed him to be good. The class becomes silent at this as Izuku has no idea that he just admitted to his mother's neglect and hums as he plays with his big brother's fingers.

The mood in the class is slightly somber after Izuku's comment but they all try their best to not let it show and let him tell them all about his favorite heroes, Eraserhead and Present Mic. Aizawa Sensei's tiny blush gave away the fact that he was not actually sleeping like he said he was and has been listening in. Izuku pulls out his notebook to show the class his drawing and analysis of dadzawa and carefully tears out the page. He tiptoes over to the man cocooned in his sleeping bag and places it gently beside him. Izuku tiptoes back to Hitoshi and grabs his notebook off the desk before tearing out quite a few more pages. He hands one to each student with analysis he did for them, including Mineta, except instead of a drawing of the pervert, it was just a grape vine.

Class comes to an end shortly after, with the bell letting out a soft chime and everyone says goodbye to Izuku. Hitoshi stays behind as he doesn't have a train to catch in order to get home. Lifting Izuku up onto his hip, Hitoshi walks the two of them into the teacher's lounge to chill in while his dad and papa work on some paperwork before they can head home. Izuku finally conks out after staying awake for so long. Hitoshi quietly chuckles as he hears Nezu offering to teach Izuku and his dad warning the rat that he doesn't want both kid corrupted. Sitting down on a couch, he leans his head back and happily joins Izuku in the dream realm as for once his insomnia doesn't hate him.

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