Summer time - 14

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Edited February 17, 2023

Izuku and Kota got to hang out a lot and had quickly become the bestest of friends. They were going to hang out again soon and this time, Izuku's big brother's and his dad's class were coming along too for their summer training camp. Everyone was allowed to go but a few who scored the lowest on their practical exams were going to receive extra night classes. Izuku was a little upset about this as it meant he wouldn't get to cuddle with his dad for the next few nights. However, on the bus drive there, he happily cuddled with his favorite personal heater, Shoto Todoroki. He loved to call the quiet Todoroki, Shokun, but never cuddled on his right side as it was too cold compared to his toasty left side.

Sadly for Todoroki, their cuddle time came to an end when the bus stopped and Aizawa ordered them all off. Izuku squealed happily once he got off and rushes over to his grumpy looking best friend. He had only just recently reconvened him that heroes were cool and they're to save people but the older boy still wasn't happy to see so many loud wanna be heroes. He hugged Izuku tightly to his chest and let out a loud huff with his chin resting on Izuku's fluffy head as he pet the boy's ears. Most of the girls quietly awwed at the boys behavior while Hitoshi grumbled about the little punk trying to replace him as a big brother. Izuku giggled, having heard his grumble with his enhanced hearing and gave him a little wave. Aizawa cleared his throat to gain the classes attention. "Where we are now is 3 hours away from our destination. If you look North, we will find it somewhere hidden in these trees... good luck." Aizawa smirks at the class as they try to make a mad dash back on the bus only to be forced down the cliff to fight Pixie- bob's mud monsters.

Leaving Pixie Bob and Mandalay to have their fun, Aizawa takes the two boys back into the bus and drives them to the camp. The two boys immediately rush off to go play in the hot springs as Aizawa goes down for a nap. Eventually he wakes up and Pixie bob and Mandalay arrive shortly after. Pixie bob continues to laugh as she relentlessly attacks class 1A leaving Mandalay to check up on the boys. By the time six long hours have passed, Izuku and Kota have helped Tiger and Ragdoll finish making dinner and snuck a few bites as well. They chase each other to the front of the building to see the students return. Izuku went because he wanted more cuddles and Kota just wanted to laugh at their pain and exhaustion. The pussycats laughed at the pair while Aizawa picked his kitten up to wipe some of dinner off his face. Also because he wanted some cuddles but if anyone asked he would deny it.

   Before long, Izuku heard the class trudging their way down and gave his dad one last cuddle before hopping down. Dadzawa huffed quietly in disappointment and watched as his son run towards his number one problem student. The loudest of the bunch and also most promising student. Unfortunately his attitude and pride were almost bigger than AllMights and his self proclaimed group of friends naming their group after him wasn't helping. Bakugo Katsuki, winner of the sports festival and firm believer that he was the next number one hero. Or as Izuku prefers to call him, Kacchan. But that has nothing to do with the fact that he struggles to say Katsuki's actual name.

   That's right, Kacchan was Izuku's favorite of the class quirk wise. Bakugo had Izuku convinced he would be the number one pro hero because in his mind, his big brother was destined to be the next number one underground hero. He had full faith in both of them and loved to show it through hugs after different or tiring training sessions. Everyone else got hugs after as well. Shoji was the best hugger though. Aizawa was grateful towards the brat though as he never yelled too loudly anymore for Izuku's sake and was surprised by how good he was with him. Aizawa had a hunch it was because his son stroked the teenagers ego but he was too tired to convince his son to find a different role model because at least he was smarter than Skelemight who was basically working himself to death.

   Once night came, Izuku joined the boys in the hot springs again as Kota stayed guard against the creepy purple dude Izu warned him had pulled his tail before. And Kota did get to play guard quite early into the night when the shorty came crawling up looking like a crazed animal. After he fell back to the ground, Izuku swatted him for good measure.  Little Kota fell soon after getting embarrassed when the girls thanked him, but Hitoshi was there to save the day. Unfortunately both boys were scarred from seeing Mineta's towel fall off. Izuku cuddled with his brother when his dad ordered them all to go to bed beside his night students and slowly fell asleep due to his ears being softly scratched. Unknowingly, Izuku let out soft purrs and helped everyone slept soundly throughout the night.

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