New friends! - 12

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Edited February 17, 2023

Izuku was having a relaxing night. He was surrounded by a nest of blankets next to a warm fireplace and had just finished a dish of sweet milk in his kitten form. His big brother was softly petting the backs of his ears and life couldn't be better! He listened as the fire crackled and left his fur feeling nice and toasty. He was so comfortable and his belly full, he never wanted to have to move. "Wake up kit!" His papa whispered. Wait...Papa? "Come on baby, wake up."

Hizashi watched with a smile as his little kitten stretched in a very catlike way and let out a long yawn. He waited as Izuku slowly woke up and pulled him up on his hip. "Do you remember who is coming over today?" Izuku scrunched his nose in concentration, "who?" He asked. "We are gonna meet some heroes and they have a nephew your age! They will be here soon so you need to get ready!" Izuku's eyes light up with excitement and tries to wiggle down from his papa's arms. Hizashi laughs and helps Izuku pick out an outfit with a small red flannel, white shirt, and ripped black jeans. Both pro heroes have given up on making Izuku wear shoes so he goes without them at the moment as they made the pads on his feet a bit uncomfortable.

Running at the speed of Inginium, Izuku flies down to kitchen and immediately starts scarfing down his breakfast. Being the amazing brother he is, Hitoshi teases him by grabbing at his tail as it happily wags back and forth. Soon after, the two brothers could be seen heading down to the park a couple blocks down with Izuku skipping ahead of a tired looking Hitoshi. They spent an hour or so chasing each other around although Hitoshi did most of the chasing and then Izuku swung as high as he could on the swings. Once high enough he loved to test out the theory of cats always landing on their feet and could be heard giggling as his brother yelped every time he jumped off.

   Eventually Hitoshi questioned how much more his heart could take in one day and walked the emerald eyed Neko back home for a nice cat nap before the hero group comes over to visit. Hitoshi was going to have to wait on the nap though because the heroes were already there. "Oh... hi." Hitoshi said awkwardly at the door as the entire room turned to see who was coming in. "Move Hito!" Izuku whined as he squished his small head in between his brothers legs. He freezes at the sight of a small boy wearing a red hat with two little horns on top. The two have a staring contest for a few tense seconds before a loud laugh breaks their concentration.

Izuku looks at the large laughing man and saw that he and his three female companions reminded him of the cosplayers Mina and Denki had recently taught him about. They notice his state of confusion and quite literally jumped into an introduction. The large laughing man called himself "Tiger" and the wide eyed lady whose hair is similar to his told him to call her "Ragdoll". The energetic blond cooed at him and said she was "Pixie-bob" while the quiet one claimed to be the boy, Kota's, aunt "Mandalay".

Izuku listened quietly as they all told him this but tilted his head in confusion as they all meowed and grouped together in a pose. Hizashi chuckled at his youngest son's actions and explained. "Izuku, these are the heroes I told you we would be meeting today. They are the wild wild pussycats. Do you remember Nezu teaching you about them?" Izuku glanced at the group one more time before gasping and running up to them and rambled question after question about their quirks. His excited chatter didn't even slow down as Aizawa picked him up and placed him on his hip. "Kitten, you can ask them all about their quirks later. They brought Kota with them hoping you two could be friends, so why don't you show him to his room while the adults talk for a bit." Izuku let out a small huff but nodded his head before sliding himself down his dad's leg and happily drug Kota upstairs with him.

Once they reached Izuku's room, Izuku jumped onto his bed and spun to face Kota. "Hi! I'm Izuku and I'm three... oh! And Im a Neko which means I'm part cat!... you probably already knew that..." Izuku nervously played with his tail, as he hadn't talked to many kids his age in a while. Kota remained as quiet as ever and simply leaned in and softly pet Izuku's ears to try and calm him down. What he didn't expect to happen was for Izuku to soon fall asleep in his lap. (Not that he minded) A few hours passed and the pair was still happily asleep. When Hitoshi was sent up to their room to check on them, he was told to just let them sleep. Eventually the pussycats did have to leave and were forced to tug Izuku out of Kota's surprisingly strong grip. When Kota did wake up in his aunt's car along with the other three cat obsessed adults. Having taken upon their obsession himself, he spent the entire ride home begging to kidnap Izuku and make him their group's mascot.

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