Bath time - 13

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Edited February 17, 2023

Much like most cats, Izuku hates bath time and will do everything in his power to avoid it. Granted, his mother always insisted in him taking baths in cold water to save money and cold water is terrible. He would be shivering for the next hour as he would bundle up in blankets after to warm back up. His refusal to take baths got to the point that Shota would have to use every trick in the bag to either trick or bribe the kitten into the tub. So you can imagine his surprise when Izuku didn't shy away from Kota's water quirk. They were having a play date at the Pussycat's land and Kota was attempting to do tricks with his quirk when he accidentally sprayed Izuku in the face. Aizawa watched in anticipation for Izuku to begin his hissy fit and to wildly shake around to get the water off but it never happened. Instead he just let out a little giggle that turned into a laughing fit at the sight of his dad's shocked face.

Kota begins to chase Izuku around trying to use his fingers to make his water work more like a sprinkler to spray them both off. Aizawa's confusion grew as at moments Izuku would jump away and hiss and others giggle and spin around. Turns out that due to Aizawa trying to give Izuku a bath as quick as possible, he never gives the water time to warm up and Izuku secretly loved a warm bath. He never said anything as he didn't want to make his dad upset with him by requesting warmer water. Aizawa shook his head as the two swim around in the hot springs and splash each other for fun. As they cuddle in the springs, Izuku's head soon bobs up and down as he fights sleep. Dadzawa scoops Izuku and Kota up and they fall asleep almost as soon as they are redressed and put to bed. Both Aizawa and Mandalay take a few pictures and discuss many play dates that are sure to take place in the future.

    Needless to say, Aizawa always let Izuku test out the water temperature before helping Izuku take a bath. Getting out a few of Hitoshi's old bath toys helped too, much to the older boy's embarrassment. Izuku especially loved to play with the boats and pretend to play battleship in the water. Hizashi came up with the idea to use bubbles too and after that, Izuku would rush to the bathroom and wait by the tub way before bath time. Aizawa had to create a rule at the dinner table that Izuku couldn't scarf down dinner to have longer bath time because it was disrespectful to the person who had cooked the meal and he could choke. Izuku loved to help add the bubble mix to the water and create bubble beards but learned the hard way to be careful to keep it out of his eyes. Izuku was also gifted with erasable water crayons when Nemuri first heard of his struggles against bath time as she loved to spoil Izuku. He could write on the shower wall and color in it with the crayons that easily washed off with water once he finished his bath.

   Washing his hair was an extra struggle however as cat ears hate getting water in them. Aizawa and Hizashi always took turns with this chore as Izuku would cry anytime they got wet. He hated the feeling of water in them and would shake his head until it felt better but usually lead to a headache later that night. Eventually they discovered waterproof ear plugs to use whenever they it was time to wash hair and Izuku would purr as one of his fathers gently scrub shampoo and conditioner through his thick, curly hair. Once all clean, he would get wrapped up like a burrito in his fluffy black towel and carried to his room to choice his pajamas for the night. Izuku loved his pajamas and had onesies, pajama sets, cotton pairs, flannel sets, and hero costumes.

   A warm bath every night was the best way to make Izuku sleepy and wash away his energy for the night. He would be read a bed time story of his choosing and cuddle and purr with his family until he feel asleep in his bed. It was the best bed he had ever had and he loved all the fluffy blanket and pillows auntie night had bought with him on their second trip to the mall together. He used to hate bath time and struggle to sleep but his new family was different  and he wouldn't trade them for the world!

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