Hero course request - 19

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Edited February 19, 2023

   Izuku swung his legs back in forth around his dad's side as he held on by his hip. He was still covered in a few itchy bandages as he was on his way to see Recovery girl. "Why so quiet kit? Does something hurt?" Dadzawa asked in worry. "I'm okay... are you going to help the league become heroes?" Izuku asked. "Me and the league are going to talk to Nezu about it while you," he tapped his finger on Izuku's nose making him scrunch it up, "get all healed up!" Izuku just giggled and nodded his head.

   Aizawa sat Izuku down on the floor in front of Recovery girl's office and watched as his little one ran in. She was filing out some reports on her desk with her back turned to them. "Granny!" Chiyo jumped in surprise as he had decided to be mean and hadn't told anyone else that Izuku was back. She spun around in her chair with tears in her eyes and Izuku happily jumped into her lap to snuggle. Izuku let out a purr and swung his tail around happily when Aizawa felt a glare. "SHOTA AIZAWA HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME IZUKU WAS SAFE! YOU BETTER BE GLAD IZUKU IS IN MY LAP OR SO HELP ME YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO WALK FOR A WEEK AS MY CANE WOULD BREAK YOUR LEGS" She growled while violently swinging around her cane but being mindful of Izuku. She had put a pair of earmuffs on his cat ears ahead of time.

   Aizawa just nods knowing full well the crazy old lady was not joking and made his way to Nezu's office to finalize the details for the second chance courses. Nezu was the only person he had told about the league and he had been planning ever since. This would provide many people who turned to villainy as they saw they had no other chance, a second chance. It would provide those with "useless" and "villainous" quirks jobs including heroism without the constant quirkism they have been forced to face.

   What they didn't know was the plans of a dangerous villain that three of their hero students were soon about to face. Both Hitoshi and Kirishima were on their way to be introduced to Sir Night eye by Mirio and ran into Eri and Overhaul that afternoon. They listened to Mirio and let Eri go back to Overhaul but Hitoshi took it the hardest. By the time Hitoshi got home, he had let a few tears fall but had managed to put on a face of boredom and exhaustion. "Hi bubba!" A flash of green collided into his legs and his little brother barely wrapped his arms entirely around them. "Hey kit... I'm tired can we just cuddle tonight instead of playing?" "You feeling okay kid?" Aizawa asked him. "Yeah, work studies today was just a bit tiring and I'm worried about how people will react to Nezu and the leagues plan." He quickly lied. His dad just nodded his head and told him to remember to eat before bed.

   Hitoshi trudged upstairs with Izuku hopping up step by step. Izuku watched as his big brother collided with his bed and ran back downstairs to ask his dad to bring them dinner to bed. Soon the brothers were cuddled up in bed, eating chicken and rice, and watching Lilo and Stitch again. Hitoshi mainly watched as his little brother quoted most of the lines as it was his current favorite movie. During the scene where Stitch was "alien-napped" he pulled Izuku to his chest and hugged him real tight. "I promise I'll never lose to anyone like in the movie got it!" Izuku just wiggles around to face his brother and held his face with his little hands. "Don't worry bubba, I'm not going anywhere." He stood up and kissed his brother's forehead before watching the movie some more and falling asleep. Hitoshi just watched him with a smile and soon joined him in dream land, content to hold his brother safely in his arms. The look of fear in Eri's eyes that afternoon reminded him so much of Izuku with his mother that it pained him. He never wanted to see fear like that on any child's face and he was determined to save Eri.

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