Forgotten birthday - 24

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Edited February 19, 2023

During all the chaos of the summer July 15th flew by and only Izuku was aware of everyone missing his birthday. The discovery of Eri and taking down of Overhaul kept his family busy as well. Time flew by and then the schools festival took place in the beginning of November. Izuku wanted to say something about it but some of his mother's words stayed firmly implanted in his brain. After his father left them in the spring, she quickly blamed him for his departure. He had made the mistake last year on his third birthday to ask if he could get a present and never asked for anything again after that. "How dare you ask me for anything you ungrateful little brat! If you hadn't been born, I would still be happy! Shut up for once and then maybe all those around you can be happy again, now leave me alone!" Izuku knew his new family loved him but he didn't want to be greedy. Eri needed time too and he shouldn't take her needed attention away from her.

As Izuku sat in the couch swinging his legs in thought, Aizawa walked in with a file in his hand. "Hey Izu, do you know where everybody is?" He asked, crouching down to look him in the eye. The question snapped him from his thoughts and he tried to remember when he had last seen everyone. "Um... I think Eri and Hito are playing a game upstairs and Papa may be recording for his radio show." "Thanks kid." His dad said as he picked him up to help him search for their family. He called for his kids from the hall and soon the four of them headed down to Hizashi's sound proof recording room. Izuku and Eri giggled when their dadzawa pulled papamic's headphones off as Hitoshi watched amused and quietly snickered.

"Well kids," Aizawa said to his family as Hizashi was still clearly a kid at heart, "Nezu did some digging through the bad man's files and found Eri's records." He squats down with Izuku in one arm and the file in the other. "Eri it turns out your birthday is coming up, so you know what you want for a present?" Hearing this made Izuku excited and begin to wiggle. "Can I get presents too!?" He exclaimed, referring to his missed birthday. "No you silly fuz ball, you have to wait till it's your birthday." Hitoshi jokingly explained with a chuckle. Izuku grew still and quiet as tears began to develop in his eyes. Hitoshi noticed this immediately and looked at his parents for an explanation. "What's wrong Izu? You'll get present just like Eri when it's your birthday." Aizawa tried to explain to comfort the boy but it only made him more upset. "But..." Izuku started but shook his head and tried to stop crying. Hizashi crouched down and hugged Eri as she hated seeing Izuku upset and tried to calm Izuku down. "But what buddy? Can you tell us what's wrong please?" "My- " Izuku took a deep breath as cried, "my birthday w- was..." He struggled to take another breath, "was four months a- ago..." Hizashi screamed "WhatTTTTTTTT!" in surprise and accidentally made the Neko cry harder as the noice hurt his ears.

   Eri began to cry a little as Izuku cried and Hizashi hugged her as Aizawa took Izuku to his room as they had added sound proof pads to help him cancel out noice when it got to be too much for his ears. During the chaos of the younger one being upset, Hitoshi sent a text to his class stating he had an emergency!


Minizawa 🚨 Emergency! 🚨 Emergency! 🚨

Pinky 👾🎀 Oooh! Spill the tea! 🍵

ElsaZukowannabe no please don't... spill the soba 🍜


IlDAD ✋🏼👋🏻✋🏼👋🏻 Please be nice to you fellow students Bakugo!

MOMo Can we focus on the fact that Hitoshi has an emergency? It seems important

Minizawa Yes it is, thanks Momo.

Humanpikachu Yeah! Way to go class mom!

Minizawa ANYWAYS! It turns out Eri's birthday is coming up next month and when Dadzawa told us Izuku wanted presents too... apparently during all the chaos this summer we missed his birthday and didn't realize it so now both Eri and Izuku are upset and crying

MOMo Oh dear! Will they be alright!?

YouCantSeeMe;D The poor babies!

SugarMan! I can bake them a birthday cake

Koda Would playing with my bunny calm them down?

ManlyShark So unmanly! I can't believe we missed the little dudes birthday!

Minizawa I was thinking we could cheer both of them up by having an early birthday party for them later today?

Everyone quickly agreed to the idea and Momo was happy to create lots of the decorations while Sato baked the cake and Ilda took most of the class to the mall to buy presents. Hitoshi got them permission to leave campus and it was his job to keep his little siblings distracted as his parents wanted to go buy them gifts as well! He plays several board games of their choice for the next few hours and got an adorable video of the two cuddling asleep on the couch during nap time while The Aristacats plays in the background. Both tried to insist they were too old for naps but lost the fight when he mentioned their dad napping all the time. After an hour of nap time, he gently picked them and carried them down stairs as everything was ready. He shook them awake, with one in each arm, and watched as they rubbed sleep out of their eyes. Not having noticed everyone, Izuku pulls on his big brother's sleeve. "Bubba? Why are we downstairs?" "Look around you" was all he managed to say before Eri squealed in excitement and Izuku's excitement rose too.

Eri had set her eyes on the banner in front of them reading, "Happy birthday Izuku and Eri!" and begged to be put down. She and Izuku ran from person to person giving hugs and had the most fun they had in years. Games were played and present for both kids were opened. Both siblings were extremely happy and played until they dropped. The cake Sato made was amazing too! He created a two layer cake with the top layer decorated with Robin Hood and Izuku's name over the vanilla cake. Eri got the second layer with her name and unicorns in chocolate flavor. The night Izuku asked his papa if they could do the same thing next year and that's exactly what they did!

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