Super secret cave spot - 15

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Edited February 18, 2023

   Izuku had a lot of fun watching his dad's class train. It reminded him of a funnier and crazier version of the sports festival. He had gotten to watch it with his parents as they commentated the entire thing. Well, it was mainly Papa Mic but that's besides the point. Only this time Kota is with him to watch and his dad mumbled replies to all their questions. Class 1B was training as well and he found the loud blond guy and the girl with big hands to be quite funny. He watched for two days as all the big kids around him ran around, screamed, and worked themselves until they dropped and then forced to get up again. It would have been quite scary if he didn't find them to be so funny. But time for the third night came and they were having a scare contest. Now that really was scary, so him and Kota went to go play at his super secret cave spot instead.

   They were having lots of fun together, chasing each other around until they grew tired and looked at the stars instead. Izuku loved looking at the stars as the city lights seemed to hide away all the stars. Kota had been taught about the stars by Mandalay in case he ever got lost on the woods and enjoyed teaching them to his friend. Kota was pointing out the Orion's belt constellation to Izuku when he heard footsteps much louder than anyone he knew of at the camp. "Someone's coming Kochan! I don't know who it is! Hide!" The two scramble to hide in the cave but the mysterious someone rushed toward them and managed to grip Izuku by the tail. He dangles him in front of his face and laughs at Izuku's pain as he cries out. He had more muscles than even AllMight with short cut blond hair. He had a scary fake eyes and the snarl on his face was even scarier.

   Thanks to lessons with Nezu, Izuku recognizes him as Muscular. "You-your the guy that killed my parents!" Kota yelled, "L-leave my friend alone!" "Be more specific kid, I've killed a lot of parents." Muscular said with a laugh. Kota glared at the monster of a man and shot him with scalding hot water in his real eye. At the same time, Izuku scratched his mechanical eye breaking it and was harshly thrown into the side of the mountain. The villain screamed in pain now blind in both eyes and begun to wildly swing his arms around trying to find them. "I'll kill you two little twerps! Get back here you maggots!" Every step the man takes seems to slightly shake the mountain and the boys are terrified. They had been warned never to wander off too far from the others alone and they had no way of telling anyone where they were!

   Kota shakily rushes to Izuku's side as quietly as possible and warns him to be quiet as he whimpers in pain. Kota picks the little Neko up and tries his hardest to run but Muscular is blindly gaining on them. "We will be okay Zuchan! Someone will save us soon, the big meanie is being so loud, surely they've heard him by now..." Kota whispers in attempt to calm down both himself and Izuku after hearing his aunt's voice in his head telling him help is on the way and to hide. The older boy runs as fast as he can as carries his friend away from the monster listening for them. He hides them behind a big tree and hugs the terrified Neko tightly in his lap. Izuku clings on tightly to Kota as his side throbs in pain knowing neither of them are strong enough to stop the villain. He knows that now all they can do is wait. Luckily for them, a certain someone had followed them before and discovered their super secret cave spot because they were running out of time.

   They had heard the commotion when villains who had escaped a prison in the area last week attacked and told Mandalay that they knew where the boys were. They ran faster than ever before as they uttered their quirk to help them move quicker. Trees sped by and their worry grew as a thunderous yell of furry sounded from the mountain they were rushing towards. Their quirk seemed to grow stronger as they panicked and payed to any gods or deities listening to keep the children safe until they could arrive. The sight of an injured Izuku and tearful Kota filled them with anger and yelled out to the powerhouse of a villain, "HEY! GET YOUR DIRTY PAWS AWAY FROM THEM!"

AN: Cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry, comment on who you think their savior is 😉

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