Official Dadzawa - 2

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Edited February 10, 2024

   As Shouta wakes up, the gentle sound of purring fills the room, and lays still as he realizes in annoyance that he woke up before his alarm. He looks over to the side to glance at his clock and glares at it as it reads that it 5:57am. His glare grows harder as his sleep riddled brain slowly processes that he should have been able to sleep for at least fifteen more minutes! Slipping his heavy eyelids shut once more, he prepares for blissful sleep to take him away again. Shouta moves to shift slightly into a more comfortable position when one of his cat's ears flicks him on the chin and his eyes flash red to scare them away. To his surprise, it isn't one of his family's four cats that greet him. Cuddled up on the top of his chest is Izuku, all curled up in a ball and tightly gripping his "Put your hands up" shirt Hizashi had gifted him with last Christmas. If he can help it, the fact he wears his husband's merch will be a secret he keeps till the grave, as despite his families teasing, he is not a softy!

    "Morning Sho!" Hizashi sings quietly from the doorway, coffee mug in hand, and smiles sweetly at the tiny boy resting on his man's chest. Our tired hero softly grunts in response as it is still too early to be up and claims that he won't be up till the coffee black as his soul is ready. "One flat white coming up!" Hizashi teases and disappears from the doorway. Sighing in defeat, Shouta gently shakes the toddler awake as he really does need to get up soon. Izuku softly whines and tries to push away the hand disturbing his rest. "Wake up Izuku, we got to get up." The hero says quietly as to not startle him and Izuku's eye flutter up. He pushes off Shouta's chest quickly as he looks around in surprise, taking in his new settings, and smiles when his eyes return to his rescuer. "Good morning mister! Thank you for saving me last night!" Izuku says happily with another grin, showing off his tiny fangs, before getting distracted by his new tail and beginning to fiddle with it in fascination.

    The underground hero softly chuckles at the boy's actions only to laugh harder when the movement of his chest causes Izuku's ears and tail to puff up in surprise. He warns Izuku he is about to move again and gives him a few seconds to latch on before standing up with a hand in his back to keep him steady. Due to his complete focus on the kitten like toddler, Shouta fails to notice Hizashi sneak a few photos of the two along with a video of their interactions. Hidden in the corner of the doorway, the voice hero videos for as long as he dares before scurrying off to not press his luck on getting caught. He rushes to the kitchen and prepares the coffee he had promised Shouta. Failing to resist the temptation of keeping such a cute event to himself, Hizashi pulls his phone out again and pulls up the UA group chat his husband is not in. The staff of UA has three group chats, their official chat, the gossip chat, and the most important one that is used whenever the caffeine addicted man disappeared to nap and is impossible to find.


Present Mic/Loud mouth 🔊
Midnight/18+ 😈
Snipe/PewPew 🔫
Hound Dog/Y'all need help
Vlad King/Dracula🧛🏻‍♂️
All Might/Skele-Might
Recovery Girl/KissKiss 💖
Powerloader/DigDig 🚧

Loud Mouth 🔊 [inserts video] Sho found a little boy with a Neko type of quirk abandoned during patrol last night! I can't believe anyone would abandon this kid 😠 HE IS SO CUUUUTTTTEEEEEE!!!!

Loud Mouth 🔊 Anyways Nezu, can we bring him with us, there is no way we are leaving him home alone and I think both Sho and I are already attached...

RatSatan I have no problem with this arrangement as long as I get to meet him and he doesn't cause too much trouble. He could even stay with me if needed.

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