Our future awaits - 25

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Edited February 19, 2023

   It became a tradition of sorts to have a small celebration on Izuku's actual birthday and have a big party with him and Eri near Eri's birthday. Many years past and all three Aizawa kids graduated UA and their parent's couldn't be any prouder! As the oldest, Hitoshi graduated years before his younger siblings and became an underground hero just like his dad. He was especially good at undercover work and taking down dangerous groups from the inside as no one ever recognized his real voice with the constant voice changing mask he wore and dark costume that covered everything but his gravity defying hair. His hero name according to the number one hero is mind fuck but he prefers to go by Mindjack, the masked hero.

   As the middle child Eri graduated second, only a year before Izuku did. She always hated violence as a kid so she trained under Recovery Girl as a healer and helped in many search and rescue operations. With her quirk she would rewind time to remove injuries or fast forward it to speed up the healing process depending on the severity of them. Her hero name became Pulse, the timely hero and throughout her life has saved hundreds and was quickly reaching numbers into the thousands. She can also be found at many recovery operations and visiting hospitals during her days off, healing many sick for free. Kota became a hero the same year as her and rumor has it that she has been spotted with a shiny new ring on her finger.

   Izuku graduated last but became the most successful. Once he reached time for high school, Nezu had already taught him for years and insisted on Izuku continuing as his personal student till he graduated. He put Izuku in the business, general, and support courses. Izuku wanted to become a hero but a different type. He wanted to be dependable and save everyone including other heroes. Izuku had understood since he was a child that life wasn't always fair and wanted to give me people a better chance at life.

   His first project was to take down the corrupted version of the hero society. Heroes needed more than just a flashy quirk and were able to get away with much destruction without a consequence. He quickly worked his way up the system and with Nezu's help, released several very needed bills. More opportunities for people with "villian" quirks and "weak" quirks to become heroes were made. License for those with quirks that could be used to help with work were carefully developed and so was new admissions tests for new heroes in the making. Current heroes was more carefully observed and those with increasing accounts of destruction and innocent bystander death or injuries had their license revoked until they could prove to me more caring and careful. Endeavor was one of the first heroes for this to happen to and managed to greatly improve and regained title as number one hero for a while before Bakugo fulfilled his promise to Izuku and held the number one title for years.

   People like the league of vigilantes became heroes and quirk discrimination decreased. Some people were still jerks but it was much better than before. Hawks was freed from the hero commission's control and Nezu placed a trusted retired underground hero in the commission hero presidents place after publishing their past actions. Eventually the president position was given to Izuku and Aizawa and Mic retired, happy to watch their children's success from the sidelines. Not just their adopted children either, they were proud of all the problem children, Hitoshi's class especially. They always stayed in touch with one another and continued to push each other to get better. They all managed to stay in the top hundred ranks, even Mineta as the girls managed to set him up with a partner and threw his prevented nature out the window for them. Aizawa threatening him a few times helped too. The future of heroes was looking good and was only going to go up from there!

~ The end!

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