All tangled up - 6

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   By the time the entire fiasco with All Might was settled, the number one hero had been scolded, screamed at, and lectured by various coworkers and students for hours. He had massively failed to keep Izuku safe like he had promised and everyone made sure he was fully aware of that fact. Realistically, it was not entirely the man's fault as Denki had been the one to fry the systems but he lacks the years of experience the number one hero should have. Denki also apologizes to Izuku for his mistakes multiple times on his hands and knees, while All Might has failed to do so. The number one hero majorly failed to be there for the child as he was the cause of more fear instead of reassurance. A big part of being a good hero is being a strong rock for scared citizens to lean on and depend on and All Might did a miserable job doing so with Izuku.

Where he should have let go of his pride and admit to needing back up, his actions escalated the situation. An important thing for heroes to understand is that calling others for help isn't a weakness, a lesson that Yagi has clearly never learned or acknowledged. With little to no knowledge on the workings of electricity, he should have immediately called Powerloader and or Nezu.
As the student's instructor, All Might should have planned for this and did not. Nezu knew the man was bad with electronics so he had taken the extra step himself with providing the ground with backup generators but the fried lines prevented them from working. If the man had been more careful in his planning like he had promised Nezu and Aizawa, and admitted defeat instead of being too prideful to state that he needs assistance, this never would have happened.

   So before, during, and even after All Might was being torn into, Shouta comforts his trembling toddler as Izuku frantically makes little biscuits to attempt to calm down. Izuku refuses to leave his hero's arms or scarf for the rest of the day. The tiny tike had lost his spark and refuses to talk to anyone, no matter what. Little shivers occasionally shake through his entire body whenever Izuku feels his Zawa moving. He stutters out many pleas to not be let go or left alone, breaking the hearts of anyone who hears him. Shouta is always quick to promise him everything is alright and cradle the boy in his arms to calm him down. This goes on throughout the rest of the day and causes Shouta's urge to beat a man in his monkey suit to grow.

   The car ride home is difficult as Izuku grows more tense as he can smell the worry coming off of all three of his favorite people. Shouta's patrol was different tonight compared to most due to the time it starts. Since adopting Hitoshi, he had done his best to push his patrols to start later in the night to enjoy dinner and bed time routines with his family. Tonight however would begin shortly after dinner as he has to cover a fellow underground hero's shift as they recover from a recent stabbing incident. He is also way too stubborn to not go on patrol even when injured due to the risk of people getting hurt because he wasn't there. Hizashi has caught his husband attempting to hide injuries on multiple occasions for that very reason and is why he has Recovered Girl on speed dial. The man has gotten slightly better at caring for himself but it's almost entirely for the sake of his family. So, for Izuku's sake, Aizawa Shouta is mentally scrambling to come up with a way to help the kid with his fears.

As the four enter their home, Tigger is right at the door and happily greets them with a loud meow. This seems to calm Izuku down as he giggles and says "Silly Tigger, don't be mean to Lady!" Hitoshi looks at his parents and raises an eyebrow, silently questioning what just happened. "Do you want down to play with Tigger before dinner kiddo?" Hizashi asks Izuku. Izuku looks between Tigger and Zawa a few times, growing frustrated as he can't decide what he wants to do. Shouta gets down on his knees to put Izuku down and the toddler tears up and whimpers out "no!" "Let's make a deal," Shouta offers as he pulls one end of his scarf out to hand to Izuku. "You go play with Tigger and hold onto the scarf so if you need me, just tug at it and I will come pick you up again." With a tiny sniffle, Izuku nods his head sadly and plops on the floor as Tigger purrs and brushes his side along Izuku's back.

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