Dirty Clothes - 10

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Edited February 9, 2023

    Ever since Izuku had gotten some of his new outfits, he didn't always like to change out of them. He was quite proud of them as they were proof of his new family and his Eraserhead sweatshirt was his absolute favorite. It had gotten to the point that he would sometimes refuse to take it off for days or he wouldn't speak to anyone till he got it back. It was growing into quite the problem and neither hero knew how to handle it as they didn't want to ask Hitoshi to use his quirk to convince his little brother to change. It was cute at first and Aizawa was embarrassed to see his youngest son act like his number one fan but they didn't buy Izuku several outfits for him to only wear the one.

   The thing was no one could come up with a good argument to convince Izuku to change clothes. The little boy never smelled bad as Izuku made sure to be very careful to never get it dirty especially when eating but he had now worn it for the past three days in a row. By the fourth day, both men had given up as it wasn't that big of deal and they knew Izuku would have to grow out of the phase eventually. It was currently lunch time and Izuku went to eat in the cafeteria with Hitoshi in order to show his sweatshirt off to the entire school. No one was allowed to know he was Eraserhead or Present Mic's kid so the story was that he was one of the teacher's friend's kid who had agreed to help the hero student train. It sounded a bit overly complicated but being over complicated would make it seem full of too many details to not be real. Plus Nezu was the principal and known to be overly complicated so it worked as no one wanted to question to occasionally feral rat.

   Izuku had walked in with class 1-A as he held his bubba's hand into the cafeteria and Hitoshi had left him with 3-B as he got his food. He returned with food for his baby brother before Monama could wander over to contaminate the child's innocence with his arrogance and Izuku whined for a total of five seconds. He shut up when he smelled the sashimi (type of fish dish) Hitoshi had grabbed for him. His eyes twinkled at the sight and he hugged the older boy tightly in thanks. He sat happily in Hitoshi's lap as his little legs lightly swung back and forth and eagerly grabbed his chopsticks to devour his food with. However disaster struck as a bit of soy sauce dripped off his fish and fell in slow motion onto his prized possession. Fat tears grew in his eyes as he saw how the sauce begun to leave a dark stain.

   Hitoshi took off his sweatshirt and put on a clean shirt Momo created for him before walking him to papa Mic's room to help calm him down. Hizashi immediately wrapped the sobbing toddler in his arms and grabbed his blanket and stuffed cat he had brought with him to school for the day. The hero calmed Izuku down and coaxed him into eating a few bites of his lunch to keep him fed and made him giggle as he made funny faces and talked in silly voices. Izuku stayed in his arms as the man taught his next two classes to a group of general ed students and business students. Both classes loved Izuku and several students were even lucky enough to get Izuku to cuddle in their laps for a few minutes.

   As two hours passed, PowerLoader returned with a stain free sweatshirt. Fresh tears slipped down Izuku's face in happiness as he hugged the sweatshirt tightly as if it would disappear if held any lighter. He ran to his dad's room and struggled to push the door open. Aizawa seemed to realize what he was trying to do as it was slowly pulled open with a smirk as Izuku huffed in frustration. He snapped out of his pout after a few short seconds when he remembered his sweatshirt and proudly showed it to his hero. The girls could be heard cooing at his actions in the background as Aizawa pet Izuku's ears and he ran into the room to put his sweatshirt safely away in his tiny backpack.

   It then took Shota an additional week to convinced Izuku that it was okay to wear the sweatshirt again and that they could just clean it if it got dirty. Izuku was skeptical but was soon seen wearing it again, but this time only once or twice a week. He was still extremely proud of it and would show it to the students he had befriended in his papa's class whenever he saw them in the hallways. He also did it because he received many free head pats and ear scratches!

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