Lost but found - 1

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The art work is mine ☺️
Edited February 9, 2024

Eraserhead is tired, even more bone tired than usual. His classroom full of brats show potential this year which means he isn't allowed to expel them all without any valid reasons. The perverted grape is close to being  gone so he still has all twenty but last year he ended up with none. This is bad for him as he is not able to nap at whatever odd time he pleases and is forced to rely on coffee for energy instead. He still naps constantly in class but the brats are very talkative and loud this year so he normally ends up just ease dropping on their drama. Don't get him wrong, he is proud to train a decent generation of heroes for once but he needs his sleep more. His patrol schedule is mainly late at night and it is currently raining. His cold suit clings heavily to his body and he just drank the last of his caffeine infused jelly pouches. Just as he is about to start heading home to his husband and son as his shift is nearing its end, the cry of a young child reaches his ears.

The underground pro hero uses his scarf to jump down from the roof he was on and follows the cries into a small back alley. His eyes grow wide in worry at the sight of a tiny child shivering in a wet cardboard box. The toddler is soaked and crying his little heart out. He is dressed in an overly large white shirt that reads shirt on it in kanji and he has several features of a cat. His ears and baby tail have a black, dark green, and grey marbled pattern like a Maine coon. His fingers are a bit stubby, more like paws than hands with tiny pads on them and possibly claws as well. His hair is wet and curly, mainly dark green but with highlights of grey and black mixed in as well. The water is clearly bothering him as he struggles to cover his ears and shake the water off but it was raining much too hard to make any difference. It is clear the boy has been here for a while and been abandoned as the box he is in has "free" scribbled on it as if he were just an animal to be adopted or left to die.

It is clear that the cat like child had developed a quirk that basically turned him into a Neko and is no longer wanted. Shouta thought of Officer Sansa, Detective Tsukauchi's partner whom he will have to deal with later and will most likely hiss in anger when he hears about this case. This unfortunately is quite a common occurrence for the hero as many parents have become known to abandon children for their quirks. The society is so obsessed with powerful "hero worthy" quirks that many are labeled with "useless" or "villainous" quirks and hated on or just plain out abandoned. The hero commission is no help with this either as heroes with strength quirks constantly rise to higher ranks using brute force and people such as rescue heroes are lower as if their jobs are less important when they often come in to save civilians from wreckage the brute heroes caused in villain fights.

Eraser hates this fact but all he can do is comfort the children until he can get them help. The foster system is extremely flawed and he constantly is pulled into cases gone wrong but he does his best to heavily research any family a kid he saves is going into and keeps tabs on them until they age out of the system. This child particularly is tugging on his heart due to his not so secret love for children and obsession with cats as he has been known for taking home a few strays. This includes both children and cats as him and his husband have fostered several children and adopted one, their son who is at home who is probably still awake as he struggles with insomnia.

Still having not seen the man, the child continues to cry and Shouta walks closer to comfort the boy. "Hey little one, what are you doing out here all alone?" The cat boy looks up at him with wide green eyes that hold slit like pupils and let out a sniffle. "I d-don't-t kn-now m-mister. I w-was with-th m-momma b-but my head-d hurted an-nd th-then I w-was h-here. A-and n-now I am par-rt cat-t!" He cries out and winces as he pulls at his new ears. The tired man scoops the little one's shivering body into his warm arms and rubs his back as tiny and slightly clawed hands sink tightly into the hero's shirt. "It's probably your quirk, the cat ears and tail make you a Neko." The man quietly explains to not scare the child, "Can you tell me your name?" "My name Izuku." He says happily with a little chirp causing Aizawa to smile under his scarf. "Well Izuku, how about we clean you up at my house and then we can look for your momma?" The tiny purring that was rumbling from the child's body pauses for a short second confirming Aizawa's fear that Izuku was abandoned but doesn't push the subject and continues to rub his back to warm him up.

Pushing down the boiling rage that yearns to hunt down Izuku's mother, Shouta gently uses his scarf to dry Izuku's ears to calm him. The little boy's body tries to melt into his as he is partially dried off and his quiet purrs turn into a loud rumble. Little claws start making biscuits on his shirt and scarf as Izuku slowly drifts off to sleep and there is no way Shouta is going to wake him up anytime soon. Naturally this means the visit to the police station can wait and our hero carefully hops roof to roof towards his home. Legally, he has to at least alert the station of the child so he shoots Nezu a short text saying he found a new stray and he knows the rat somehow already found out he doesn't mean a cat. The UA principal responds with a paw clapping emoji he created as he refuses to use the human hands and promises to have the paperwork ready for him in the morning.

With that fixed, the typical fifteen minutes trip home turns into twenty as he is not going to risk waking the precious cargo held protectively in his scarf. He can't help but smile whenever Izuku scrunches his nose in annoyance as water droplets occasionally drop from his hair and run down his button nose. Izuku doesn't wake once for the entire trip and the hero lets out a happy sigh as his family's house comes into view. Their house is a nice sized home with two floors, four bedrooms, and three baths. His husband Hizashi, better known as Present Mic, had insisted on four bedrooms so that their house can hold a spare bedroom for nights Nemuri visits and an extra room as they both want to adopt a second child. Their house placket reads Yamazawa as they combined their last names after marriage but to also hide from villains as only their closest friends and colleagues know about their marriage. At work they still go by their old last names but their son took on their combined name and hopefully Izuku might take it too. Walking up to the front door and pulling out his house key, Aizawa checks for the hundredth time to see if Izuku is still asleep and shoots Zashi a text warning him not to scream.

Having done this once before with their first son, Shouta prepares to start up his quirk as he opens the front door. As expected, Hizashi is waiting for him on their couch, half asleep and opens his mouth to squeal at the ears picking out of his scarf. Eyes flashing red, Hizashi sheepishly closes his mouth and shrugs in apology. Leaning forward he gives his tired husband a kiss and pulls down the scarf to get a better look at what's hidden inside. The voice hero nearly squeals again as his husband's hand flies to cover his mouth and shush him once more in warning not to wake the child. "Sho, where did you find him? You didn't kidnap him did you!?" Hizashi only half jokes. "Of course not Zashi! I found him in an alley with a box that said free. He doesn't remember how he got there but it sounds like he got his ears and tail as part of his quirk and his mom abandoned him. I already told Nezu." Shouta sighs and glares down at Tigger as his orange body slams into the man's leg and meows loudly, wanting to meet the house's newest addition.

   "Dad? Papa? What's going on?" Their son's voice pulls Shouta away from glaring at the cat and sees Hitoshi standing at the bottom of the stairs. The teen had walked in to see his papa trying to squeal at what looked like another cat with his dad hiding them away in his scarf. "I found a toddler during patrol Tosh, he is going to stay with us for a bit. You can meet him in the morning." His dad responds while starring at his papa as if daring him to disagree. "Oh... cool! Night." Clearly not fully processing what was said as he is half asleep, the two men watch their son make his way back upstairs. Looking back down at the chaotic orange cat, Shouta tells him to wait till morning too and heads towards his and Zashi's room. Ignoring the man's words, Tigger zooms ahead into the bedroom while their Maine coon, Lady, lazily follows at Hizashi's feet. Knowing that Bandit likes to hide and watch new arrivals for a day or two before showing himself, Shouta rolls his eyes at the suspicious blue eyes watching them leave the living room.

   With two of their four cats in their bedroom and the fourth more than likely with Hitoshi, Shouta quickly changes out of his gear and into some fluffy sweatpants and a shirt. The shirt is a struggle as Izuku is still clinging onto him but Hizashi helps pull his claws off and switches him onto the voice hero's chest. Pulling back the sheets on the bed, Hizashi slips into bed and laughs quietly as Tigger hops up beside him and sniffs Izuku's ears. The orange tabby jerks back in confusion and attempts to tap at Izuku's ears but gets pushed away by Shouta and scolded. "Shoo Tigger, let us sleep you crazy cat." With a nod, the married couple agree to discuss everything in the morning. Both have seen many children abandoned due to their quirks before but it was always a delicate situation to explain to such young minds. It is one of both heroes least favorite part of their job but a necessary one. Not sure how Izuku would react if he woke up in an unknown room alone, Izuku stays with them. With Izuku already asleep and cuddled into Hizashi's chest, Shota leans over him and gives his partner a good night kiss. Closing their eyes, they go to sleep and when morning come, Izuku had managed to wiggle himself between both their arms, enjoying some hero cuddles.

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