Catnip Catastrophe - 11

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Edited February 9, 2023

Denki Kaminari was bored and that usually leads to him doing things without thinking at all. Izuku had been making class with Aizawa more fun by cuddling in his lap occasionally as he liked to cuddle with different people throughout the week but it was still boring. He would pet Izuku's fur or Ojiro's tail to help him focus but it only helped for so long. A bored Denki is a chaotic causing Denki and he loved to create theories in his head and test them out in the most chaotic way possible. This day was no different and he had spent the past two days in class wondering how much alike cats and Izuku's reactions were. So naturally, he planned to test his theory behind his sensei's back for the sake of his neck not being wrung. Most of the time, Denki did not want to risk his teacher's wrath, but this one seemed worth it.

    Once Denki was sure Aizawa was asleep, he reached into his bag to grab his weapon of choice. He was well aware that it may not even work as this object only affected fifty percent of cats. It was kind of like giving Weed to a child but he only had a small amount so it shouldn't be too bad. It was a green herb and surprisingly cheap to buy. Hitoshi was busy arguing with Shoto about another theory as he pulled out a sealed bag. It had one large word written on it in sharpie. It read catnip in all capital letters and was underlined and had three exclamation marks at the end.

   Izuku was snuggled in his lap and looked up as he felt Denki moving around. "What are you doing Denki?" He tried to softly whisper but Mina and Jiro quickly turned to him in worry. Jiro gasped as she noticed the title on the bag and tried to grab it with her ear jacks but Denki had already opened it and pushed it near Izuku's head gently. He didn't want to hurt Ozuku but he definitely wasn't going to risk getting caught without seeing the affects of catnip on the half kitten in his lap first! He pays no attention to Mina and Jiro as they nervously glance between him and the toddler as he is only focused on the intensity of Izuku's purring. Hitoshi had explained to the before that the louder Izuku purrs the more content and safe he feels around them but he had yet to purr for anyone but Hitoshi, Aizawa sensei, and surprisingly Present Mic.

   Denki finally noticed how silent his class had become and remembered the catnip still laying out in the open in his desk for everyone to see. "Denki..." Hitoshi growled out and the electric user quickly shoved the remaining catnip in his bag. Denki nervously chuckled as Izuku continued to purr loud enough to be heard throughout the entire room and passed the three year old to his older brother. Hitoshi opened his mouth to say something when he jolted and caught the green kitten that had been his brother only a moment ago. "Well that's new..." Shoto said in his monotone voice causing most of the class to burst into laughter as Izuku purred on. Izuku's kitten form was small just like him and his fur was similar to the color of his ears and tail in human form, so dark green that it almost looked black. He had the same emerald colored eyes as well.

   Hitoshi suddenly smirked and pulled out a laser pointer explaining he had wanted to do this for a while. He called Izuku's name to gain his attention and waved the pointer in front of his face. Izuku's eyes followed it back and forth and head slowly moved side to side along with the pointer. Hitoshi clicked it on making kitten Izuku startle but his wide slanted eyes seemed to grow even wider as he was placed on the ground and chased the light. He was clumsy as he tripped over his own paws many times but his brother was careful to not make him run into anything. Unfortunately when Bakugo let out a loud snort of laughter and turned red from embarrassment, his yelling that followed woke their sensei up from his nap.

   This gave the drugged three year old the perfect chance to escape unnoticed. The green eyed kitten soon found himself stumbling around UA's halls until he felt a soft pair of hands gently picking him up. Izuku looked up to see the shy third year he had met before in the cafeteria. The quiet third year ran his fingers through Izuku fur caused a deep rumbling purr to build from his chest. Amajiki smiled as he noticed the kitten's dazed stare, "Did someone give you catnip little one? Let's go find your owner." The duo didn't make it too far when Izuku sees a smiling blond and bubbly blue haired girl coming their way.

   "Awwww! That kitten is soooo cute!" Nejire squeals, "Where on earth did you find him? Can we keep him? Please!? Please?" Mirio shakes his head as Nejire rambles once more. But before he can say anything, Aizawa rushes towards them with his red eyes blazing. Amajiki suddenly feels the kitten in his arms get slightly heavier and looks down to see Izuku!? Aizawa lets out a sigh of relief and scoops the Neko into his own arms. Izuku gives off a lopsided grin and giggles absentmindedly. It doesn't take the big 3 long to figure out someone practically drugged the child and was headed toward a world full of pain of hardcore training for hours. Long story short, Aizawa nearly expelled Denki and after the catnip incident, Izuku is still a little off and could be seen napping for most of the day in his dad's scarf.

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