Mr. Kurogiri Oboro sir - 23

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Another angsty chapter but has happy ending
Edited February 19, 2023

The league had come over to discuss details about the hero course with Aizawa and Nezu and was going well. They went over several possible issues and planned ways around it. Everyone was happy with the direction their plans were headed and Kurogiri asked to talk to Aizawa and his family before he left. Aizawa accepted and Kurogiri teleported the rest of his group of child-like adults home. The man made of mist took a shaky breath and teleported him and Aizawa to the 1A dorm's top floor. "Mr. Kurogiri!" Izuku exclaimed happily as he hopped down from the couch to hug the man. "Hello Izuku, how have you been?" The kind purple mist, listened patiently as the young boy chatted away about lessons with Nezu, UA's festival, and his awesome new big sister. He listened to every last word and reacted at the correct times. By the end of his ramble, Izuku takes deep breaths as he forgot to breath and went back to cuddling in his dad's lap.

"I'm glad to hear you have been having fun and happy with your new family Izuku! Now I have something important to tell your dad and papa so can you go find your papa? It shouldn't be too hard, just listen for him, I'm sure he's somewhere near by yelling about who knows what." Kurogiri chuckles at the end and Izuku smiled and hopped away, focused on the mission he had been trusted with. Just like Kurogiri predicted, Hizashi was proudly yelling about Eri's adorable fashion sense as she spun around in her new red overall dress with a white shirt underneath. Izuku ran and hugged his papa's legs, making him let out a yell in surprise. Both Izuku and Eri giggled happily as he dramatically put a hand to his heart and sighed claiming, "You nearly gave your papa a heart attack bud!" "Mr. Kurogiri wants to talk to you and dad about something downstairs." Izuku explained as he continued to hug the man's leg. "We better not keep them waiting then!" Hisashi said, throwing Izuku lightly in the air and grabbing Eri's hand. He walked them both to Hitoshi's room to hang out while the adults talked and his mind wondered through all the things Kurogiri could possibly want to discuss.

Present Mic walked downstairs and smiled at Kurogiri before sitting next to his husband. The two watched patiently as the man nervously tried to decide where to begin. He cleared his throat and apologized for being so nervous. "I'm sorry for making you two wait, I just don't know how to tell you all something..." Aizawa just raised an eyebrow and started at the man to continue while Mic just looked confused. "You see... we uh, we once knew each other... in the past..." Mic's eyebrows shot up in surprise as his jaw dropped. Aizawa simply continued to stare and squeezed Mic's hand in comfort.

Kurogiri took another shaky breath and continued. "My name wasn't always Kurogiri. It was... given to me after I was saved. I got into what you could call an accident and everyone I knew thought I had died..." He paused again and Aizawa had to restrain himself from forcing the next words out of the now mysterious man's mouth. "As you know, I work with All for One... he was the one who saved me along with the help of a doctor friend of his..." Hisashi felt his breath hitch as he thought of his old friends death and asked, "Please... what is your real name?" The dark purple mist around Kurogiri's face slowly disappeared and a foggy version of their best friend's face appeared.

   Aizawa glared at the man as a single tear slipped down his face. "Say it... say your real name!" He yelled and was held back by Hisahsi. "Oboro... my name was Oboro." "What do you mean was? You just said you aren't dead!?" In his sadness, Aizawa couldn't hold back his anger as he had blamed himself for his friend's death and was furious to find out he had been alive the entire time. "I was in a coma for a while as All for One and the doctor used various medicines and quirks to heal me... I lost my memories for a time and when they returned so much time had past I feared you would hate me... and who knows what the hero agency would have done if they discovered I was alive. I wanted to return but I didn't want to become a human experiment for the rest of my life either..."

   Aizawa had stood up when angrily shouting at his best friend but fell to his knees at the end of the man's confession. The three of them could finally be together again but the hero agency was in fact powerful and he wouldn't put them past them to try and kidnap and experiment on Oboro. Tears were now falling down all three men's faces but froze when Hitoshi's worried voice sounded from the hall. "Is everything okay? Izuku wait!" The little Neko ran down the hall having slipped past his big brother and threw himself into his dad's arms. Little tears were falling down his face as he saw their tears. "Why are you all crying!? What's wrong!?" He asked in worry as Hitoshi and Eri entered the room as well.

   "Well Izuku," Aizawa pet his youngest sons head to calm him down, "it turns out Mr. Kurogiri is an old friend of ours named Oboro but it has to stay between us okay?" Izuku nodded and Hitoshi and Eri agreed as well. Izuku's face suddenly scrunched up in confusion and he looked up at the mist man. "Mr Kurogiri um Oboro sir? What am I supposed to call you know?" His innocent question caused the entire room to laugh and laughter could be heard in the house for the next couple of hours as funny stories and adventures were exchanged throughout the night.

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