Officially part of the family - 9

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Edited February 9, 2023

   It's been two months since Aizawa found Izuku and Hizashi was ready to officially adopt his favorite green kitten. They had waited a few days after overhearing Izuku and Hitoshi's conversation and to be honest, Hizashi had run out of patience. It was the weekend and Izuku could tell papa Mic wanted to say something and about to burst. "What's up papa? Why are you so excited?" He asked, swishing his tail around in confusion. Izuku had formed a habit of fiddling with his tail whenever nervous and Hizashi placed the little bit on his hip to help calm him down. "Me and dadzawa have a surprise for you is all. No need to worry little one."

    Izuku quietly giggled at his papa's nickname for his dad and nuzzled his head into Mic's neck. Hizashi walks both of them into his bedroom and grabs the adoption papers off his nightstand before returning to the living room. As they walked in, Aizawa sat waiting in his sleeping bag slurping on a protein pouch still half asleep from his patrol late last night. All three signed the papers in all the necessary places and Hitoshi snuck a few pictures from behind the stairs.

    The now official family of four wanted celebrate together by introducing Izuku to the arcade and go to the mall after to buy him some new outfits and more stuff for his room. Izuku hadn't let them buy much for him before due to the fact that he still strongly believed his stay was not permanent. After all, if his own parents didn't want him, why would his new dad and papa keep him forever? Clearly able to see that something was bothering Izuku as they walked to the arcade, Hitoshi grabbed his little brother and tossed him in the air making him squeal. Walking in at first was hard for Izuku as the sounds were loud to his sensitive ears but his dad was prepared as he pulled out the earbuds Momo made him. The little Neko immediately relaxed and smiled gratefully at Shota. Hitoshi happily showed his brother his favorite games and Izuku did surprisingly well at pre quirk era games like skee ball and the claw machine.

Hitoshi and Izuku worked together to win plenty of tickets and won enough to trade in for a thing of cotton candy to share and a laser pointer. Izuku also won a black cat plushie and golden bird stuffed animal that he named daddy cat and papa birdie from the claw machine. The four went to the mall next and Aizawa ended up carrying Izuku after he crashed from his sugar rush he gained from eating most of the cotton candy on an empty stomach. Hizashi grabbed many outfits from stores all over and helped the toddler try them on to determine his size and Hitoshi got a few new shirts and sweatshirts as well. They stopped for late lunch around 1 and Hitoshi ordered Izuku fish Katsudon claiming the cat in him will love it. Izuku's eyes sparkled after his first bite and Hizashi fretted over him for the next few minutes as he quickly shoveled the rest in his mouth making his papa worry he would choke.

Izuku was in need of a nap after lunch as he was still only three years old and they headed home. As Izuku slept, both parents mentally added a note in their heads to remember Izuku went crazy for fish and messaged with their fellow teachers about the party they wanted to throw for him on Sunday. It was a small event that Nezu allowed them to hold at the school and Izuku made sure to hug everyone thanks when he received his gifts. By the time class on Monday came back around, Izuku was exhausted from the fun weekend and was bundled up in his new, fuzzy, black blanket in his dad's strong arms. Midnight had bought him the blanket as she knew cats enjoyed blankets and wanted to get him the best one yet.

    Some time during second period, Izuku woke up to the sounds of 1A's loud chatter and was quick to proudly tell them all about his new family. Hitoshi fondly rolled his eyes at his little brother's excitement, knowing the rest of the day no one would be able to focus on class because of him. Todoroki's eyes widened a few moments later and exclaimed that his theory was correct and Hitoshi grumbled that he was adopted so he wasn't actually Aizawa's secret love child. Everyone was quiet for a bit as they realized Shoto's theory was correct for once and then went back to talking. Hitoshi was pleased to know that no one really cared about him being their teacher's son but asked them to keep it a secret from anyone else for safety reasons. The class happily agreed as Kirishima claimed that sharing it would put them in danger and was unmanly!

   Unnoticed by the class, Eraserhead slightly smiled as his class all agreed to keep his children safe and moved on to different topics of drama. He was glad he didn't have to threaten them for his families sake and went back to sleep. As he slept, the class all gathered around Izuku and sat him on top of their sensei's desk. The girls made him a paper crown and draped his blanket around him like a cape. A few of the guys gave Izuku some snacks and candy they had in their bags as a gift while the girls just cuddled with him and played games for the rest of class. Momo even made him his very own Eraserhead sweatshirt and customized Present Mic sunglasses as he still had the headphones she had made him for before.

Izuku was exhausted again by the end of class, but he was happy, and that's all that mattered. Hitoshi laughed as the three year old was too tired to walk on his own and laid the kid's head on his shoulder. He walked the two of them to the teacher's lounge while Aizawa finished some grading for Izuku to show off his new stuff. At the sight of their papa, he did grabby hands. Once snuggled up once more, he pointed to his glasses and sleepy claimed he looked like his dad and papa. He completely fell asleep not too long after and when they finally drove home, Shota carried him to the couch and they happily napped together well until dinner time.

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