AllMight should never teach alone - 5

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Edited March 22, 2024

"I AM HERE!" AllMight exclaims his overly used phrase as he once again appears to the class by the doorway, "BY THE DOOR!" All Might's yelling covers up his colleague's groan of annoyance as he already hates that he is allowing this bafoons half baked plan to use his tiny son's assistance without him nearby. It has been nearly a week since Izuku has been found and Nezu finally got him to allow the number one hero to go through with his training exercise of having Izuku as bait. AllMight, Nezu, Hizashi, and Nemuri had to work overtime to convince Shouta that Izuku will be safe and it was only agreed to once Nezu had a room build specifically for Izuku to be held in safely, in case anything goes wrong. The only reason why Shouta isn't going along to supervise is because the rat is forcing him to catch up on paperwork and promised to watch from his cameras as he is protective of Izuku too.

"DON'T YOU WORRY AIZAWA! IZUKU WILL BE SAFE, BECAUSE I WILL BE THERE!" This time Shouta's groan is not missed as he bangs his head on his desk at the same time. Ilda's warning not to damage his head gets ignored by their sensei and All Might laughs again and shouts "ONWARD STUDENTS, OUR RESCUING TRAINING AWAITS!" With Izuku and his yellow backpack held carefully in his arms as he runs ahead to prepare, the students grab their costumes and rush to change for their hero training of the day. While running, All Might fails to notice his speed causing the toddlers ear plugs to fly out of his ears. He is also somehow still completely unaware of the fact that his booming voice can be hurtful to those with sensitive hearing after being a hero for years.

All Might carefully sits Izuku down and pulls out his notebook and colors to keep him happy before rushing around one last time to make sure everything is in place and remember where he put his notecards for class. The students trickle out one by one in their costumes and he goes back over to Izuku. "OKAY YOUNG IZUKU, CLEAN UP AS IT'S TIME TO GO!" All Might says at his typical booming volume and grows worried when Izuku tears up. Crouching down beside him All Might asks him what is wrong resulting in more tears and Izuku covering his ears instead of cleaning up. As the hero is about to scold the child for not listening, Yayorozu, being the responsible mom of the group, is quick to speak up to prevent the situation from escalating further. "AllMight, could you try to not yell? I understand you want us all the hear you but Izuku has very sensitive ears, Jiro does as well." Jiro sends Momo a small smile in thanks as their class president mentions this. "I think I speak for all of the class when I say we can all hear you just fine, even when you don't yell."

   AllMight looks around sheepishly as the whole class nods in agreement and Izuku flashes her a teary eyed smile. He timidly goes to her and gives her a quick hug around her legs. Momo smiles and bends down to create him a black teddy bear designed to look like Eraserhead and gently places Present Mic style earbuds in his ears. "Is that better?" She asks and with a squeeze to his new favorite toy, Izuku gives her a shy thumbs up. "Ok young Jiro, is this volume better for you?" AllMight asks only slightly quieter than before. She nods her head, happy he is at least attempting to be quieter for her and Izuku's sake. "Haha! Onward my young heroes, class has just begun!" AllMight happily exclaims as he begins to explain their hero exercise for the day.

   Today he splits the class into four groups of five instead of four and leads Izuku into his small isolated room with a small tablet connected to the cameras. "Now class, Izuku today is helping us play out another type of hostage situation. To prevent any debre from our fight hurting little Izuku, he shall remain in his room. He is alone but safe so nothing can hurt him! Five at a time, you all will come into this building and try to fight your way up to the top against me. I will only use 10% of my power but you have to work together to get past me. You will have 15 minutes and must get past me or defeat me. Only then can you save Izuku. Unlike with Midnight, you can't expect the hostage to be able to help you much with their escape and you may need to calm him down as well."

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