Welcome to UA - 3

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Edited February 29, 2024 Happy leap year!

After being given a few minutes to let all the blood rush back into the rest of his body, Hizashi begrudgingly deletes the video as his husband watches grumpily over his shoulder. The one in the chat remained untouched as did the copy of the video in his recently deleted folder but what Shouta doesn't know won't hurt him. They quickly switch their focus onto the youngest member of the room and go to their storage closet to see if any of Hitoshi's old clothes from when he was younger will fit Izuku. The tiny toddler is still wearing the Present Mic shirt and as adorable as he looks, he is practically swimming in it. Hitoshi and Izuku sit down on the couch in the living room while his dads search and entertain themselves with three of the four cats surrounding them. Lady has herself draped across Hitoshi's lap and purring loudly as he scratches her behind the ears. Izuku is hidden underneath Tigger and Stalker and switches between purring with them and giggling as Stalker tries to give him a bath and Tigger playfully bops him with his orange paws.

    Shouta and Hizashi re-enter the room with a large clear tote that is full of things from Hitoshi's childhood as it has his name written on it and the teen blushes at the sight of it. "Papa no!" Hitoshi says as he hates how emotional Hizashi gets as he cries about how much his baby has grown and always pulls out embarrassing photos to look at. He knows this is revenge for snitching and as his papa smiles at him mischievously, he leans back into the couch in defeat and refocuses on Lady. Shouta risks the wrath of Stalker as he pulls Izuku out from under her and settles the boy on his hip. The two glare at each other for a minute until Stalker backs down and lets out a murp as she presses her head on Izuku's leg before wondering off. "That was mean mis'er 'zawa" Izuku claims as he plops his head on Shouta's shoulder. "Sharing is caring!"

    Both Hizashi and Hitoshi laugh at hearing the underground hero being scolded for being mean to his cat. Hizashi pulls out some more recent photos from when the three of them celebrated his most recent birthday at the same cat cafe they go to every year and places them to the side. Izuku leans away from Shouta's hold to look into the tote and wiggles excitedly with a gasp and points to a purple shirt with cats on it. "Can I wear dat!" He asks and both men agree before he even has to pull out the kitten eyes to convince them. He gets dressed in the cat shirt which is still much too big for him but he could care less and gets a pair of blue cargo shorts to go with it. Izuku refuses to wear shoes as they hurt his toe pads and is very proud of the slightly matching outfit he chose for himself.

    With everyone dressed and having eaten breakfast, they pile into the car with Izuku held carefully in Hitoshi's lap as they don't have a car seat small enough for him. It is a short drive to UA and fairly peaceful, although Hizashi receives another glare from his husband when he admits that he has already told their coworkers about Izuku. The glare goes away when Chiyo was mentioned as Izuku does need to be checked out and as they pull into UA's parking lot, it is an hour before school starts as customary for teachers in case Nezu decides to spring a last minute meeting on them. However Nezu's current focus is on two teachers specifically and as if he were timing it, Shouta's phone buzzes from a text sent from said rat right as Hizashi takes the key out of the car's ignition. A photo had been sent showing the paperwork that had been requested the previous night ready to be filled and patiently waiting for them on the principal's desk. It is adoption papers and from the looks of it, the crazy rat has already tracked down Izuku's personal information and filled some of the paperwork out for them ahead of time.

   "Hitoshi, hand over Izuku, we need to take Izuku to recovery girl to check on his health. We need you to go to Nezu's office and grab the paperwork he has for us." Shouta tells his son and playfully glares when Hitoshi teases about them already being attached as if he isn't as well. "Get going or else I'll let your papa have Izuku all day in class instead of me." The man threatens and even though all three know it to be a false threat, Hitoshi snorts and gently presses on Izuku's hands to remove his little claws from his uniform. Once Izuku is handed over to his dad, he starts heading over to where Nezu is waiting for him and definitely watching him through the cameras. The two worried fathers walk in the opposite direction as they head to Chiyo's office, worrying about Izuku's health as he is visibly very small for his age and weighs much less than he should.

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