Mysterious savior(s) - 16

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AN: Comment if you guessed correctly who the savior is! Edited February 18, 2023

"HEY! GET YOUR DIRTY PAWS AWAY FROM THEM!" Dark shadow screeched as Tokoyami struggled to regain control of a murderous dark shadow. His quirk was going crazy as it quite literally had a mind of its own and wanted to shred the man to shred for hurting the babies. Tokoyami had been the one to follow them to their cave as he wanted to make sure they were safe and Shoji had chased after them on their way to protect them. As dark shadow grew out of control in the dark night, Shoji heard and saw the destruction and led black shadow towards them. Tokoyami's fear for the kids and want to protect them fueled Dark shadow's overprotective mama bear side took over as it often was strengthened by his negative emotions like fear and worry.

   Izuku whimpered in pain again and Shoji quickly ran over to the terrified pair. Squeezing his eyes tight, praying for the pain to go away, he felt two strong three webbed arms scoop both him and Kota up. "Can you tell me what happened?" Shoji whispered. "W-well" Kota begin to answer but was interrupted by Muscular's furious roar. "I will kill all of you! Your deaths will be long and painful so prepare to die! Time for some fun!" "Not on my watch!" Tokoyami yelled, furious that anyone could be twisted enough to willingly slaughter children. "YOU WILL NOT HURT THE BABIES!" Dark shadow screeched in agreement before grabbing the man with it's claws and slamming him into the ground till knocking the muscled villain unconscious. Shoji quietly chuckled at his friend's comments and smiled under his mask at the sight of Kota's bright red ears. "Not a baby" he mumbled, "I'm five..."

Izuku silently observed and listened to Tokoyami in the background as he struggled to calm down dark shadow. Careful not to jar his ribs, he tapped Shoji's shoulder and asked to be sat down next to Tokoyami. Shoji was against it but buckled under the puppy dog eyes. Well, in his case it's kitten eyes but that's besides the point. Shoji reluctantly sat Izuku down as Kota quietly demanded him to be careful. "Get away from me Izu..." Tokoyami cried out, " I don't want you hurt because of me!" "It's okay yami! Just let go, quit worrying about loosing control and relax." Izuku soothed, "I trust you." Tokoyami felt a single tear fall before taking a shuttered breath and letting his muscles loosen. Izuku smiled as he watched Dark shadow slowly calm down and relax along with Tokoyami.

"FlEsH! dElIsOuS dElIsOuS fLeSh!" Screamed a very scary psycho in a straight jacket. Izuku faintly heard himself and Kota scream in terror causing Dark Shadow to freak out as well. As Dark Shadows protective nature increased, so did his size and strength. In one blow the villian was defeated and Izuku noticed that all his creepy teeth had shattered as well. "Thanks for the help Tokoyami! That guy came super close to eating Bakugo, Todoroki, and me..." Hitoshi trailed off as he noticed a little figure next to Dark Shadow. "Izuku!" Izuku let out a little whimper at the sound of his big brother's shout and soon felt himself being held in his strong comforting arms. "What happened!? Why is my little brother so beat up!?" Hitoshi demanded. Recognizing the hint of fear in Toshi's voice, Izuku softly patted his brother's hair as his brother had done to him before to help calm him down. Hitoshi smiled down at him before paying attention to Kota as he stuttered an explanation about Muscular.

"But... but we are okay now, 'cause you... you guys saved us!" Kota said as he finished recounting the terrifying event. "Why are the villains here of all places? Did they just stumble upon it on accident?" Todoroki asked half to himself. "All I know is that some crazy psychos are out to kill us and I wanna beat their asses for HURTING OUR KITTEN!!!" Bakugo said before blasting off some explosions at the end. Todoroki nodded his head in agreement as he struggled to keep his flames under control causing him to let off a bit of smoke.

"Tokoyami is exhausted and Izuku is injured, I say we all go back to camp to get them to safety. Then if sensei lets us, we can go back with him to help save the others." Shoji said being the voice of reasoning. "Tch whatever, let's go." Bakugo grumbled. And that's the last thing Izuku heard before sub-coming to the darkness.

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