Momma's punishment - 17

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Be warned, this is an ansty chapter
Edited February 18, 2023

When Izuku wakes up, he's still in his brother's arms but this time it's cold. When he fell asleep it was warm... He slowly blinks awake and tries to shift his weight before remembering his injuries. Izuku looks around the room the best he can from the awkward angle he found himself in and sees he is in a dark room and that his brother is still asleep but looks hurt. He softly pats Toshi's face, desperate to get out of the scary room and back to dadzawa and papamic. "Toshi! Bubba please wake up!" Izuku cried with fat tears streaming down his freckled face. At first Hitoshi only let out a soft moan but tap by tap, Izuku eventually woke him up. "Izu? Where are we? What... what happened?" Hitoshi whispered. "I don't know bubba... I'm cold" Izuku said with a shiver. Wanting to comfort his little brother, Hitoshi begins to lift his arms to rub his back only to quickly stop. The sound of chains clattering across the floor echos and Izuku looks towards the source to see the chains connected to his brother's wrists.

   Before either brother can fully panic, they hear clicking heals walking in their direction. They wait in anticipation and are blinded by light as the door to their cell flies open. "Mama?" Izuku whimpers. Hitoshi whips his head between the mother and son and feels his heart break as he sees the resemblance. Of course the sweetest child he had ever met would end up having a cruel villain as his mother. "Time to go on a trip baby!" The mysterious women says in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Now remember to be good..." Hitoshi shivers as her voice grows dark and see her holding up a muzzle, "or else your big brother gets it..." before becoming sweet again, "got it?" Realizing the danger he has gotten his brother into, Izuku quickly nods his head knowing that a verbal response would receive  punishment. Whenever his mamma was in a mood, she would get angry at him for making the slightest noise. He even covered his bubba's mouth to prevent him from getting trouble. Punishments after all, are no fun.

"Good boy~" His mother praised before her lips twisted into a wicked smile. "But unfortunately for you both, Eraserhead had decided that my raising of you brat was not acceptable and had me arrested so you both are already in trouble. So! The little mutt is coming with me while big brother gets the muzzle!" Hitoshi felt his heart shatter as his brother looks at him in terror and begins to understand just how bad his mommy used to be. To make matters worse, Izuku's mom forced Izuku to be the one to muzzle him before she dragged him away. Hitoshi listened for what seemed like hours to Izuku's screams coming from a room somewhere above him when in reality it was only 30 minutes. The next thing Hitoshi heard was confusing. Some yelling took place and the thud of a body falling the floor followed. Izuku had also stopped screaming to be let out and then a new set of footsteps came to the door.

This time the door was slowly opened to let his eyes adjust to light and a heavily scarred man took his muzzle off. "Sorry about this kid." The man said as he unlooped the chains from the wall and led him upstairs to his brother. Izuku was being held by a man made of... mist? and seemed to have greatly calmed down. He even let off a small smile as a hyper blond commented to her friend on how cute the little kitten was. But the oddest pair of the bunch was a crusty looking man with a hand fetish and a human sized gecko. As Hitoshi gawked at the strange group, the handy man stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Before you freak out, let us explain... you see we never meant for you two to get hurt. We are the league of vigilantes. All for one rescued us all and trained us to be vigilantes as none of our quirks are what the pupils would ever accept as anything but useless or villainous. When we heard that some escaped villains were going to attack your camp, we went to try and protect you all." "Hold up" Hitoshi interrupted, "if you are vigilantes, why on Earth did you kidnap me and my little brother?!"

This time the mist man answered after giving Izuku a glass of apple juice. "We mean you no harm. We simply were out of options on how to grab the hero's attention. We have been trying to spread the word that no matter what the quirk, anyone can be a hero but no one would listen. Izuku's mother is- or was a lawyer before her arrest. We had gone to her house several times before to develop plans on how to get our message out. So when she was arrested, we had no choice but to break her out as we were afraid she would accidentally tell someone about us. Twice," Kurogiri pointed to the blond girl's friend, "used his quirk to make a clone of her." At this point the scarred man interrupted, "If you promise not to run, we can take the chains off. Like Kurogiri said, we don't want to hurt you, we hope early just need your help... oh, I'm Dabi by the way and Crusty over there is Tenko. The crazy blond is Toga and her friend goes by Twice. The magician hiding in the back is Mr.Compress and the lizard is Spinner."

Hitoshi just nods his head still trying to wrap his head around all the information he just received. What he doesn't notice is Izuku slipping down from his bar stool and walking over to Tenko. He slightly pulls on the man's jacket before asking his question. "Mr. Crusty... if you don't mean harm then why did momma get to punish me and bubba?" His question sounded innocent enough but the entire league stiffened at the sadness and betrayal in his voice. Glaring at Dabi for teaching Izuku such an intolerable nickname, "Mr.Crusty" picked him up with two of his fingers gloved and gave the Neko a hug. "Zu, your mama wasn't supposed to even see you. It wasn't until earlier we even realized she had escaped her room. I'm so sorry she hurt you and your brother."

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