Why doesn't she want me? - 7

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Edited February 4, 2023

A few weeks past since the training trauma and Izuku still refused to ever be alone. Either Aizawa, Hizashi, Hitoshi, Nemuri or Nezu had to be with him at all times or he would have a full on meltdown. AllMight had attempted on multiple occasions to apologize but Izuku had learned to be very sassy due to spending time with papa Mic and auntie Nem and would stick his button nose in the air and scamper off. He learned quickly though not to close his eyes as he walking into the door way the first time he sassed the hero.

He had also developed a major fear of the dark but Hitoshi solved that problem by taking Izu to the mall and buying him fairy lights to put in his room. Occasionally, even that wasn't enough to calm him down but Aizawa and Hitoshi both had insomnia so they were happy to cuddle him to sleep when needed. But neither AllMight nor Izu's fear of the dark was the worst of Aizawa and Hizashi's worries. Their greatest worry was Izuku's mother. Recovery Girl had received his DNA test results and also informed them privately that he was slightly malnourished. Aizawa had thought Izuku was small because he was part cat but that hadn't been the only factor.

Inko Midoriya was married to Hisashi Midoriya but been divorced only a few months before Izuku was abandoned. It wasn't stated or really known as to why the man left but the divorce had been very private. Soon after, Inko lost her job and began to frequent at bars and struggled to pay her bills on time. Hisashi did provide her with money to help raise Izuku but according to records it all went towards Inko. Aizawa was happy to track her down and arrest her as Eraserhead for child neglect and abandonment but didn't know how to tell Izuku. He knew Izuku was smart and would most likely figure out he had been abandoned sooner than later but he wasn't sure how the truth about his mother would affect him mentally. They had told Izuku on his second day with them that his momma had left him in their care for a while but he knew that would only keep the curious kitten appeased for so long.

What Aizawa and Hizashi didn't know was that Izuku had already come to the realization that his mother had in fact not wanted him and was crying alone in his room. He had been reading many new stories Nezu had given him and had just finished the story called Are you my mother? It was a easy and fun book to read as he did still enjoy picture books but this one showed the baby bird with a loving momma bird at them end. He knew moms were supposed to be loving and care for you like the mommy bird and for the most part his mom had been that way too. But ever since his father left, she had grown mean. Over time, his momma had come home stumbling through the door all dizzy and smelling funny. He knew the box he was dumped in said free. He knew she no longer wanted him. But it wasn't until reading that book that he finally admitted it. Izuku hadn't realized it but fat tears had started to slip down his freckled face. Little whimpers could be heard just outside his room and Hitoshi soon heard them through his room. Being the good big brother he was, Hitoshi rushed across the hallway and wrapped the Neko up in his arms.

"Why are you crying kit?" He asked, making Izuku let out a tiny giggle at the use of his brother's favorite nickname for him. "Why doesn't my momma want me?" Izuku sniffled as he snuggled tightly in his brother's arms. Having been adopted by Aizawa at age 8, Hitoshi knew the feeling of abandonment well and winced before responding. "Think about it this way bud... your momma wasn't always the nicest to you right?" He waited for Izuku to nod before continuing, "Being the mean momma she is, she decided to say goodbye and never see you again... and that hurts, I know it does... however, we both got really lucky because we both got chosen by dad and papa. While neither of our original parents wanted us, they chose to be stuck with us forever and ever."

At this point, Hitoshi dug his fingers into Izuku's sides and begin to tickle him until he begged for mercy. The two happily laughed, oblivious to the two smiling parents standing behind the door with smiles on their faces. They had heard most of the conversation and were proud of how Hitoshi handled the conversation. Not even a minute later, Hitoshi and Izuku feel asleep cuddling on the bed and the pair of adults quietly wished them goodnight before making their way to bed as well. They placed the adoption papers for Izuku on their night table before crawling into bed knowing in the morning the little boy they've taken in will soon officially become a part of their happy family.

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