Editing - Cats

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Aizawa loves cats, there is no denying that fact and the Yamazawa family definitely has multiple cats! Starting off they have 4 and they might get another cat after getting Eri.

Several of you all have listed many many names for the cats and these are the ones I chose! Possible cat five is still up for debate but here are the Yamazawa's current cat family!

Cat 1 (female) around nine years old
Name-> Lady
Breed - Maine Coon
Personality - She loves to lounge near the window all day to soak up the sun and acts as if she do not have a care in the world and would just blankly stare at you if you were dying at her majestic paws as you aren't worth their time. If you try and steal her spot, you will get hissed at and/or bit!
Looks - She has fluffy and thick fur that is carefully groomed carefully by hers truly as no one is allowed to clean her and green eyes. Her coat is a mix of rich chocolate brown, light brown, and black fur and wears a bedazzled collar with fake diamonds that Hizashi bought for them.
Backstory - Shouta found her as a kitten on a patrol a year after marrying Hizashi as they tip toed around each other for years as they both were struggling from Oboro passing. She was so small when they took her in that Hizashi spoiled her rotten and now regrets it as, like mentioned before, she now treats everyone as if they are below her.

 She was so small when they took her in that Hizashi spoiled her rotten and now regrets it as, like mentioned before, she now treats everyone as if they are below her

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Cat 2 (male) five years old
Name -> Tigger
Breed - American short hair
Personality - This cat is absolutely crazy and acts more like a dog than a cat. He loves to do zoomies whenever he is happy which includes any time anyone gets home and drives the other cats nuts when he gets in their space and they will swat him in the nose when he get too close and will go to a human for comfort.
Looks - short and oranges of multiple shades making him look like a miniature tiger and light brown or hazel like eyes. He had a black collar that used to have a bell but was taken off as he would sometimes do zoomies in the middle of the night and wake the tired insomniacs up.
Backstory - Hitoshi was officially adopted by Shouta and Hizashi when he was nine and to celebrate, the family went to a cat cafe at Hitoshi's request. This cat was around a year old at the time and happily plopped itself onto Hitoshi's lap and purred happy as a lark for the entire time they were there. By the time it was time to go, neither Hitoshi or the cat wanted to say goodbye so he got adopted and became a member of the Yamazawa family

 By the time it was time to go, neither Hitoshi or the cat wanted to say goodbye so he got adopted and became a member of the Yamazawa family

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Cat 3 (female) four and a half years old
Name -> Stalker
Breed - Russian Blue
Personality - This cat loves to be groomed by Lady and her humans. She was immediately taken in as Lady's kitten and if not groomed by her, then she will go to one of her beloved humans for attention and for fur coat care. She will also meow as loud as she can for attention or when she is hungry.
Looks - Pitch black fur that is a medium length, very soft from constant care from everyone and has bright green eyes with a green collar to match.
Backstory - Shouta tends to feed street cats when on patrol and she started following him. After a few weeks, she followed him all the way home and both Hizashi and Hitoshi insisted that they had to keep her. Since she followed Shouta home, he got to name her and hasn't been allowed to name any cats since because "his naming skills are too unoriginal" - Hizashi

 Since she followed Shouta home, he got to name her and hasn't been allowed to name any cats since because "his naming skills are too unoriginal" - Hizashi

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Cat 4 (male) two years old
Name -> Bandit
Breed - Ojos Azules
Personality - He has a lot of bursts of energy and loves to climb anything and everything. Once he runs out of energy, he plops down on the floor, including right in front of their humans and watch everyone as he waits to regain his energy. If you trip over him, you will get glared at! However due to bad treatment from before joining the family, he takes a while to warm up to new people.
Looks - They have patchy white and grey fur with blue eyes. Hizashi and Shinsou bought them a light blue collar that is similar to their eyes. A tiny bit of their left ear is missing from a cat fight when on the streets but it doesn't really bother them.
Backstory - Once again, Shouta was on patrol and heard a cat fight. Not wanting the cats to hurt each other, he walks over to break it up and this cat was bleeding in a few areas, including it's left ear. Shouta took him home to heal them and afterwards didn't want to let them go.

I am not sure what kind of cat to go for with Eri, except for it be a cuddly kitten and small and shy like her

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I am not sure what kind of cat to go for with Eri, except for it be a cuddly kitten and small and shy like her.

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