Morning Scares - 8

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Editing February 4, 2023

   Early the next morning, Aizawa was shuffling around in the kitchen making his pot of morning coffee when he heard little feet tiptoeing towards him. Izuku had been trying to scare his new dad for the past couple days after papa Mic told him it was impossible. Although being a cat boy helped Izuku naturally to be quieter than most with extra pads on his feet, Aizawa has several years of training as an underground hero and could easily pick up on his little giggles. Aizawa continued on making his coffee as if he didn't hear his little one and waited for him to sneak closer step by step. He smirked under his scarf as Izuku prepared to pounce. "Raaah" Izuku began to growl but quickly gave a small squeal of fright as Aizawa spun around and grabbed him before letting out a small "boo!"

    All the commotion woke up Hitoshi and Hizashi and the pair soon walked in on a sweet sight. Aizawa had Izuku on his arms comforting him as little sniffles could be heard and apologizing for scaring him. The two didn't want to let the adorable sight go to waste and of course quickly recorded and sent it to both the pro hero group chat and the class 1A chat. Izuku had called Hitoshi big brother in front of the class and Todoroki was quite smug about his theory being mostly correct. Aizawa threatened the class with extra training for a month if they told anyone but no one really minded. At this point they slipped their phones back into their pockets and Aizawa had moved on to give the tiny toddler tips on how to scare people and telling him to use it on his "auntie 'night" when they got to UA. Izuku, wanting nothing more than to please his dad, innocently agreed and scampered up to his room to finish getting ready.

   The happy family of four ate a quick breakfast and Hizashi could barely keep from laughing as Aizawa gave Izuku more tips to scare people on the ride to school. Hitoshi recorded the entire conversation for emergency cases of blackmail and went to class early after Aizawa promised to record Midnight's reaction for him to watch later. Izuku happily skipped to the teachers lounge with Aizawa and Hizashi following behind smiling at his excitement. As Izu slips in the room, he sees most of the teachers are already in there including Midnight. He quietly slips across the room like his dad had taught him and put up a finger to his lips as Hounddog and Ectoplasm watch in confusion.

   Midnight was in the middle of a conversation with AllMight when they both jump in fright and spin around at the sound of a ferocious roar. AllMight was caught so off guard that he shrunk back down into his small-might form and coughed out blood all over Midnight. This then caused Midnight to screech, "the skinny skele boy just bled all over me!" and ran from the room completely oblivious to the fact that Izuku was the one to cause it all. He watched as his auntie sped out with an innocent look on his face and smiled at small-might with his present mic speaker toy in his hands. The first time he had seen All Might get sick, Izuku cried for an hour out of fear of the blood and worry for the hero but had grown used to it by now.

AllMight just gaped at him with his jaw on the floor as the toy was slipped back into Izuku's bag and he ran to his dad silently asking if he gained his approval. He was given a small pet around his ears and immediately gave off his radiant smile knowing he made his dad laugh. But Aizawa wasn't the only one impressed by Izuku. No, as Nezu watched the teachers laugh in the lounge, he discovered he had found a new partner for creating chaos. By the end of the day, Nezu had introduced Izuku to many new forms of pranking and even showed him how to get around the school through the vents. When Nezu waved goodbye to Izuku, Aizawa unintentionally shuddered at the gleam of mischief in the principal's eyes.

   Later at dinner that night was when Aizawa realized why Nezu had looked so mischievous at the sound of Present Mic's famous shriek. "aaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The sight of Hizashi's panic was enough to make Aizawa let out a long sigh. A spider was innocently sitting alone in the center of the floor with Hizashi climbed on top of a table screaming away. Hitoshi got the entire interaction recorded on his phone but if you ask he will deny it and claim he never congratulated his little brother on a great prank either.

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