Caramel candied apples- 22

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Edited February 19, 2023

   Time for the UA festival had finally arrived and Izuku and Eri couldn't be more excited! The first thing they got to do was go watch class 1B's play. According to Mirio who was babysitting them while their parents worked security, it was a mash up of several other stories. But both kids loved it and when they saw their dad and papa before bubba's class performed, they made sure to reacted every last detail. The concert was even better! Izuku thought Jiro had a very pretty voice and that Kacchan looked awesome at the drums. Eri's favorite part was the ice chips and Aoyama's disco ball belly button. Mirio had one sibling in each arm so they could see better and he loved the close up view he got of their radiating smiles. At the end of the concert they loudly cheered and many surrounding them awwed that their energetic energy.

   Mirio happily lead them backstage at the end and helped clean up while the two children chatted with the class. They complemented everyone's awesome dance moves and the band members playing which made Jiro and Mina beam with pride. Ilda even let Hitoshi leave early so he could spend some time with his siblings as the class was almost done cleaning up. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the class A hero wannabes that think they're better than us." A boy with very tall dumb looking hair according to Izuku proclaimed. "Hey!" Eri yelled at him and his friend. "Leave Bubba and our friends alone you jerk!" Izuku screamed. Looking quite embarrassed to have been yelled at by little kids, he and his friend attempted to look annoyed with a scoff and stumbled away. Hitoshi just ruffled both of their hair with a smile and led them to the beauty contest.

   Eri loved seeing all the pretty dresses on the girls and begged her brother to let her wear one too. Claiming she wanted to look pretty like then too, Hitoshi knelt down and told her she was the prettiest one out there and tickled her till she begged for mercy. Izuku giggled as he watched but was soon screeching with laughter when both Hitoshi and Eri tickled him. They then explore some other booths made by the business and general Ed kids for food. Eri having found an entire two dollars in the couch earlier that morning was quite excited to buy her siblings a treat but didn't have enough for both of them at any of the booths. Hitoshi watched as his little sister began to sniffle and pulled her into a one armed hug as he texted with the others. Izuku joined into the hug seconds later and Hitoshi grabbed some money of his own. He bought all three of them little hero trinkets based off present mic as there was nothing for Eraserhead. Eri had a little smile on her face as the three made their way back to the dorms. The lights were all off and when Izuku asked "why," Hitoshi claimed they must have all been tired.

   Hitoshi opened the door for his siblings as they all lived in the top floor since the summer camp attack. He flicked the lights on and suddenly all of class 1A jumped yelling "surprise!" Spooked, Izuku yelped and clung to his brother's leg and so did Eri which nearly caused him to fall on top of them. Sato walked up to them in a chefs apron, "do you two want to make candied apples with me?" Eri's sadness of being unable to treat her brothers was soon completely forgotten and she happily passed the apples out to everyone including Sato. Once she had one as well, they all bit in and her eyes lit up. Izuku giggled at her excitement and Hitoshi smirked. Later when their parents came in to tell them to go to sleep, Eri handed them the last two apples made especially for them. She had taken some of the leftover chocolate syrup and made goggles for dad and a music note for her papa. That night everyone went to sleep happy and Eri finally slept the entire night, nightmare free. Izuku on the other hand was hard to put to bed as he was in the middle of a sugar rush but eventually crashed and slept well through the rest of the night.

AN : I just remembered that the dorms were created because of the LOV attack and I made the league good so just pretend the dorms were optional for students living farther from campus.

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