Safe at last - 18

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Edited February 18, 2023

Aizawa was worried sick, his boys had been missing for two days now and some of the students had been injured when the escapees attacked. He never should have let Hitoshi out of his sight. Both his children were gone and it was all his fault. The worst part was that he had left Izuku with the other students and Vlad King and yet he had disappeared without a trace. Hizashi wasn't doing any than he was either, they were both a wreck. The news had gotten ahold of what happened when a few students had to go to the hospital. The students were praised for having helped recapture the convicts but criticized UA at the same time for letting anyone get hurt. Nezu had been forced to apologize to the public just to get them to calm down before they even had any time to search for his kids.

He had received a letter earlier that day from a group that called themselves the league of vigilantes that both boys were fine but left no clue to if he would ever get to see them again. The letter informed him about their mission and he felt for them as his quirk could be considered weak or villainous as well but they had his kids. He wanted them back and there was no way he was going to help them when his kids weren't safe and asleep in their beds like they should be. But just as he was about to go storm the police department, a dark portal grew in front of him and out popped his children. A ragtag group of somebodies came as well but they weren't important at the moment. "Daddy!" His youngest squealed! His heart broke at the sight of the many bandages wrapped around his little body as he gently wrapped him in a hug. Naturally Hitoshi got dragged into it as well but neither minded.

Then Aizawa remembered the uninvited guests. His eyes glowed red as he told his kids to get behind him. But before he could attack, little hands pulled on his pant leg. "Don't daddy! Mr. Crusty and his friends are nice! They saved me and bubba from mama being mean." And that's all it took for Aizawa to cool down and pull the two boys into another hug. With the boys still in his arms, he twisted around and growled at them to explain. They had the decency to look ashamed before the one he guessed was mister crusty stepped forward and did just that. By the end his mind raced with several emotions but ended with him handing Izuku to Hitoshi and punching Tenko in the hand on his face before cooling down. "Ok.... I deserved that..." He groaned.

Shortly after, plans were made and Aizawa begrudgingly agreed to appear on dreaded media a few times to support them after setting them up to get their hero license permit. He then shooed them out of his house and immediately called Hizashi. He carefully held the phone away from his ear after informing him that the boys were home and the happy family of four soon enjoyed some takeout from their favorite Chinese restaurant as they all
cuddled on the couch. Izuku was allowed to pick the movie and they watched some pre quirk era animated Disney movies. Robin Hood was Izuku's favorite with Lilo and Stitch being Hitoshi's favorite. Aizawa was surprised by how much he enjoyed them but mainly just enjoyed feeling at peace as his boys were okay and safe in his arms once more. By the time the third movie, brother bear, was halfway through, everyone but Aizawa were asleep. With a small smile on his face, the hero moves slowly to not wake anyone and turned the movie off. Not wanting his family to wake up with stiff muscles in the morning, he took them one at a time to the master bedroom and placed them all on the bed. Knowing that his family was going to be okay, Aizawa joined them in bed and was asleep in moments.

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