Chapter 1: Making A Deal

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In Greenwich, Connecticut we see a large mansion and inside the mansion a man is currently playing on his PlayStation, this man is Alexander Mcmahon-Levesque.

In Greenwich, Connecticut we see a large mansion and inside the mansion a man is currently playing on his PlayStation, this man is Alexander Mcmahon-Levesque

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He is playing call of duty, as he plays he ends up dying in the game. He is also wearing a headset and seems to be talking to people that are also playing.

Alexander: Bullshit, man. Hey boomaster, kill me like that again and we'll settle this in one on one. Oh yeah, well I'm so much better than you, you have to kill me from behind. You know what. *Throws headphones away* How do you like that one?

Alexander stands up as he goes over and grabs the headphones as he picks them up.

He turns around as he sees two people walk in, a man and a woman, they would be Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon.

Alexander: Hi mom. Hi dad.

Paul: Hey kiddo.

Stephanie: Hi sweetheart.

Paul: Wow. You know we bought this house for you along with a maid. You could keep it clean.

Alexander goes over and turns off his PlayStation as he turns the tv off.

Alexander: I sent Janis home for the week. *Crosses Arms* Why are you guys here? Not that I don't love you and all.

Stephanie: We got a phone call from the university in Chicago.

Alexander rolls his eyes as he goes into the kitchen, Paul and Stephanie follow him.

Paul: You got into a fight and then walked out.

Alexander gets into the cabinet and takes out a box of cereal as he does this, he talks.

Alexander: In my defense, he did bait me.

Stephanie: You dropped out of college, Alexander.

Alexander: So what? It's not like I could even make it in music.

Paul: You sell yourself short.

Alexander makes himself a bowl of cereal.

Alexander: I'm gonna eat my bowl of cereal.

Paul: We want you to come work for the WWE.

Alexander stops what he's doing as he sets his bowl down as he looks between his mom and dad.

Alexander: No.

Alexander grabs his bowl as he walks out of the kitchen and back into the living room as he goes and sits on the couch and the turns the tv on.

Paul stands in front of the tv.

Paul: I wasn't asking Alexander.

Alexander sighs as he turns the tv off.

Alexander: Dad, the WWE is for you, mom and grandma. And uncle Shane. Me? No.

Paul: You dropped out of college. All the money we spent on you to do what you wanted to do. And you didn't do it. So now it's time to step into the real world and join WWE.

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