Chapter 60: Summerslam

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*Time Skip/Before Summerslam*

Alexander and Ronda are seen pulling up to the arena in Alexander's car.

The two of them get out of the car.

Ronda: Ready for the show tonight, babe?

Alexander: Yep. So what do you think? *Shows her his teeth* You think he did a good job?

Ronda: It looks perfect.

Alexander: I don't know. I don't know if it's perfect.

Ronda walks around the car and goes over to Alexander.

Ronda: *Wraps her arms around his neck* Everything about you is perfect, Alex. Don't worry.

Alexander: *Sighs* I think I'm more worried about tonight than anything.

Ronda: Hey tonight is gonna be a great night.

Alexander: I hope so. I hope everyone likes the match between my dad and I.

Ronda: It's gonna be a five star match, Alex. I know it.

Alexander: I hope so. This is after all the first time me and my dad will wrestle in the same ring.

Ronda: And here I thought it was gonna be you telling me not to be nervous.

Alexander: *Laughs* Well I am nervous. Like so nervous. This is Summerslam after all and it's always been my favorite paper per view. More so than wrestlemania.

Ronda: Really? You never told me that.

Alexander: You never asked.

Ronda: That's a good point.

Alexander and Ronda kiss then the two of them grab their bags and head inside of the arena.

Ronda: So when do you think the internet will find out about us?

Alexander: *Shrugs his shoulders* I'm surprised they haven't already. I mean, nothing is secret anymore.

Ronda laughs.

Ronda: That is a very good point. Hey, are you sure you're okay?

Alexander: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Ronda: I don't know. I just... I just worry about you.

Alexander: Well don't worry. I'm okay, Ronda.

Ronda: All right, well I'm gonna go get ready.

Alexander: All right. I'll see you in a bit.

Ronda: Okay. *Kisses Alex then walks away*

Alexander sighs then he feels a hand on his shoulder, he turns and sees Shane.

Alexander: Hey bro.

Shane: Hey.

The two of them clasp hands.

Alexander: So you ready to defend your title tonight?

Shane: Of course. Also I did wanna thank you.

Alexander: For what?

Shane: For giving me the opportunity to have the United States Champion.

Alexander: Well it wasn't really me. When it was suggested about this feud between me and my dad, I told my grandpa that I didn't want you to fade into the background and he said he'd make you United States Champion.

Shane: Yeah, but you helped give him the idea, so thank you.

Alexander: You're welcome. Though it does make me wonder what if.

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