Chapter 25: Helping A Friend

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*Backstage/After The Show*

Paul: I'll admit, I wasn't sure about you mocking the bar but it worked out. The segment was put on YouTube and it's already got so many views.

Alexander: It was fun. I'm just glad you and uncle Shawn are letting Shane and I be DX. I mean the bar is set pretty high, dad.

Stephanie: Well he didn't have a choice sweetie. I told him he had to let you guys do this storyline.

Paul: I didn't have to. I could have easily said no.

Alexander: Could you though? *Laughs* I mean, it's mom we're talking about.

Paul: Okay, good point.

Alexander: Well it is working out. Everyone seems to love it.

Stephanie: That's because of the work you, Shane, Stephan, and Claudio are putting into the storyline. It's not just one of you, it's all of you.

Alexander: I know that, mom. At least grandpa is letting me help with the creative of it all.

Paul: Well he's gotta get you prepared for the greatest Royal rumble. Since he's letting you run the creative for that one.

Stephanie: Speaking of the greatest royal rumble, any ideas what you wanna do for that one?

Alexander: I've actually been talking to Michael about that.

Paul: Really? And what did Michael have to say about you running the greatest Royal rumble?

Alexander: Um.... Well it started off with a lecture. Seeing as how his second love is wrestling, he told me that I need to take it seriously and not mess everything up.

Stephanie: Well he's right about that.

Alexander: But after he was done lecturing me he actually started to help me out with the matches.

Paul: Alright, so what are some of the matches you have planned?

Alexander: Well one of them is John Cena Vs. Triple H.

Stephanie: Really?

Paul: John and I haven't had a match together in years.

Alexander: I know and that's why I picked it. I've been rewatching some of your matches on my down time and you two have great chemistry together, dad. And I know people will enjoy it for the simple fact is you two have a long standing rivalry.

Paul: It's a great match. And I know John will be excited about it.

Alexander: He is. Called him on Friday. He said he can't wait to kick your ass again.

Paul: *Laughs* Well we'll see about that, won't we?

Alexander: I guess so.

Stephanie: Got any other matches planned?

Alexander: Yep. But I'll keep 'em to myself for right now. We've still got a few months until the show. Can't have everything revealed now. Well I'm gonna head out. Love you guys.

Alexander leaves as Paul sighs.

Stephanie: What's wrong?

Paul: I'm worried about the greatest Royal rumble.

Stephanie: Oh come on, Paul. You don't have to be worried. Alexander has got this.

Paul: It's not that I don't think he can do it. It's more me worried about Alexander and the pressure planning the show can take. And if it fails then Alex will blame himself.

Stephanie: You've gotta trust him, Paul. He can do it.

Paul: Yeah, yeah, you're right. And with Michael helping him, I'm sure it'll be great.

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