Chapter 9: Getting Into It

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January 8

Obviously Alex didn't appear on last week's episode of Raw, and without him drama unfolded between the Raw woman's division as Mickie James and Alexa Bliss's steel cage match was interrupted by the whole woman's locker room resulting in a no contest due to the entire men's roster having to come out to maintain order.

Though Alex did send out a tweet stating that it would be addressed and he'd have a solution.

Alex is now seen standing in Kurt's office wearing a suit and he was messing around with the tie and he groans as he rips it off.

Kurt: Alex, are you okay?

Alex: Kurt, you have no idea. My mom said I'm not allowed to wear any funny t shirts anymore and because I'm the head of the raw woman's division, I have to look the part so I have to wear a suit.

Kurt: I think you look good in the suit.

Alex: Don't lie to me.

Kurt: So as you know tonight there is a six man tag team match, Roman, Seth and Jason taking on the Balor club.

Alex: Oh yeah, man. That is gonna be awesome. Can't wait to watch it.

Kurt: Though I have been wondering something.

Alex: Shoot.

Kurt: How do you plan on keeping order with the raw woman's division?

Alex: Okay, check it. The entire raw woman's division obviously wants Alexa Bliss so we give her to them.

Kurt: I don't follow.

Alex: As you know the 25th anniversary of Raw is coming up and what better way to celebrate than a raw woman's champion battle royal.

Kurt smirks.

Kurt: It's not a bad idea.

Alex: Thanks. Oh and to make sure that Alexa can't weasel her way out of this one. I'm adding in a new rule, it doesn't matter how you fall out of the ring, over the top rope, through the middle or even falling through the bottom rope, that will result in an elimination.

Kurt: Hmm. I love it. I can't wait to see it.

Alex chuckles as he puts his tie back on.

Alex: I'm gonna go get a coffee. Want one?

Kurt: Sure.


After Woken Matt Hardy defeats Cedric we see Alex backstage as he is making two coffees.

Just then Balor club comes into camera view.

Finn: Alex.

Alex turns to them.

Alex: Hey guys.

Luke: Little McMahon.

Alex laughs.

Alex: Hey, I'm sorry about last week. Wish I could've helped you against Miztourage.

Finn: Not to worry, I had help.

The crowd cheers.

Alex: I guess so. Well I gotta get back to Kurt's.

Alex picks up the coffee's as he nods to Balor club as he starts walking down the hallway until Alexa stops him.

Alex: Alexa.

Alexa: What is your problem? What do you have against me Huh?

Alex: Me? I have nothing against you. I want the raw woman's division to be at its very best and I want the raw woman's champion to be a fighting champion.

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