Chapter 13: Royal Rumble 2018

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Royal Rumble
January 28 2018

It was now time for the Royal rumble paper per view and everyone knew that tonight would be a great night as it's officially the road to Wrestlemania, and there was a packed night of matches that will occur.

The show begins with AJ Styles taking on Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for the WWE champion. Despite the odds AJ manages to retain the title.


We see Alex getting ready in the locker room, he will be in the men's Royal rumble match.

The crowd cheers as this will be the first time he'll be in this type of match.

As Alex is getting ready, the crowd boos as Sheamus and Cesaro come into the locker room.

Alex then gets ready to fight.

Sheamus: Whoa, whoa, calm down fella.

Cesaro: We're not here to fight.

Alex calms down.

Sheamus: See we're only here to offer you some condolences. I mean, it's not everyday we're your own brother tucks his tail between his legs and runs away leaving you all by yourself.

Cesaro: You must be so sad.

The crowd boos at them.

Sheamus: I mean, come on fella. Did you really think he'd stay? Cause everyone here in this locker room, they all know the truth.

Cesaro: And the truth is, Michael is just better than you.

Alex looks at the ground.

Sheamus: He's more of a man than you could ever be.

Cesaro: Hes more of a friend than you could ever be.

Sheamus leans in.

Sheamus: And he's more of a wrestler....than you could ever be.

Cesaro: In conclusion, Alex Mcmahon will always be stuck in the shadow that is Michael Mcmahon.

Sheamus and Cesaro laugh as they look at each other seeing how they have clearly affected Alex.

The two of them then leave the locker room as Alex sits down and wraps tape around his hands.


Following many matches between the two teams, the Uso's defend their smackdown tag team champions against Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable in a two out of three falls. And even though showing a great amount of determination, it wouldn't be enough for Gable and Benjamin as the Uso's would manage to retain.

And now it was time for the Royal rumble match. A match that can change a superstars career forever.

Aiden English comes out as he introduces Rusev as the first entrant, the crowd chants "RUSEV DAY" as Rusev comes out and poses for them.

But suddenly the crowd pops as Alex comes out from the back with a sledgehammer in his hand as he runs and bashes it off the back of Rusev's skull and he falls down.

The crowd was actually in shock at what Alex just did as Alex has a different look on his face than what he usually looks like.

Alex breathes heavily as he turns around to Aiden, he steps forward by English takes off running to the back.

Alex goes back over to Rusev as he puts his knee on his throat as he puts the sledgehammer on his throat and begins to push down.

Rusev struggles to breathe and soon, personal come out to get Alex off him but Alex doesn't budge and then finally Triple H comes out as he tries to pull Alex off Rusev.

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