Chapter 42: Making It Offical

693 25 23

June 4 2018

*Before The Show*

Alexander's black Honda civic is seen parking in the parking lot. He gets out and grabs his suitcase and he starts to head inside the arena.

As he opens the door and heads in, a lot of the superstars around were shocked to see him given what happened between him and Michael. They thought he wouldn't return, especially because it was a real life fight between them.

Some begin to exchange whispers to each other but Alexander pays no attention to them. And then we see Michael walking towards Alexander.

A lot of the superstars gif nervous as they prepared to step in and pull them apart if it got physical.

Alexander and Michael stop in front of each other and just stare at each other. The other men and woman around could feel the tension in the hallway.

Michael: Alex.

Alexander: Mikey.

The two stare at each other as everyone around look at each other thinking it's gonna get physical. But then they are shocked to see the two brothers laughing and then they hug. This most certainly shocked everyone considering the fight they had.

Michael: *Pulls away from hug* I'm glad your here early cause their is something we have to do.

Alexander: What's that?

Michael motions his hands around the hallway to all the men and woman around them as Alexander puts it together as to what they had to do.

Alexander: Right.

Michael: Yeah.

*Time Skip*

For the next couple hours before the show Alexander and Michael went around and apologized to everyone for their actions a couple weeks ago, it was childish, immature and not what should've happened. Everyone accepted their apologies and Alexander made sure to apologize without Michael around and alot of them were shocked that he did but could see how mature Alexander was getting.

An hour before the show Vince and Paul pulled all the superstars together for a meeting including Michael and Alexander to make it known that fighting will not be tolerated and that there will be consequences the next time it happens, even if it's family that does it. Michael and Alexander didn't object to it as they know their grandfather was right.

But now Alexander had to talk to someone important, someone who he left without saying goodbye.

Ronda is seen talking to Pamela and Natalie. Alexander then comes comes up to them.

Alexander: Hey girls.

Pamela: Hey, Alexander.

Natalie: Hey.

Alexander looks at Ronda who crossed her arms and was glaring at him, obviously due to the fact he left after there moment.

Pamela: It's great to see you back here. Alot of us thought you weren't gonna come back.

Natalie: Yeah, which upset us more than anything. We love having you around.

Pamela: Right. You make it fun when we're not on the show. It'd be a Shame to lose you.

Alexander: Thanks. It means a lot. Um, could I please talk to Ronda alone please?

Pamela: Of course. Come on, Nattie.

Pamela and Natalie walk away as Alexander looks at Ronda. He could see that she was pissed.

Alexander: Alright before you say anything I'd just like to-

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