Chapter 54: It's About Legacy

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July 23 2018

The show opens Vince McMahon in the ring while the entire Raw Roster was standing on the stage. Soon Vince introduces Stephanie and Triple H to the ring for an historic announcement.

Stephenie starts out by saying that it's rare to be able to make history and making moments that everyone would remember for a lifetime. Triple H then acknowledges the wwe superstars for everything they do to make it possible.

Then he asks the woman to step forward as he says that everyone has truly supported them and that they've been making history. Stephanie then says that the woman demanded more and now there will be more given as a new all woman's paper per view Evolution would happen.

The woman couldn't believe it as they hug each other and Stephanie, Triple H and Vince clap for them. As the crowd cheers and the McMahon family stand proud....suddenly the crowd starts cheering even louder but it was for something else, well someone else.

As Alex McMahon suddenly appeared behind Triple H.

Cole: Oh my god! Hunter turn around!

Alex was eating a bag of popcorn as the woman and men on the stage see him and they all look in shock.

Triple H stops clapping as he suddenly feels the presence behind him as he slowly turns around and a smirk covers Alex's face as he waves and then throws the popcorn at his father and then starts hammering away with punches.

Stephanie yells for her son to stop as Vince gets into the corner, shocked by his grandson's actions as Alex lifts Triple H off his feet and slams him down onto the mat. He continues to punch him as his father is able to push him off as he rolls under the bottom rope and lands on the ground below.

Alex crawls and gets out of the ring as he goes at his father and kicks him but Triple H once again pushes him away as he gets up and runs up stage as he yells for the men to help him.

Alex starts running up the stage but soon the male superstars all get in front of him and grab him to stop him as he yells for his father to fight him.

*Minutes Later/In the ring*

Alex is seen pacing in the ring with a microphone in his hand as the crowd was cheering for him. He starts speaking into the microphone.

Alex: DAD!!!! You know I figured you were still letting mom hold your nut sack in her purse but I didn't think it was this bad.

The crowd oohs.

Alex stops pacing and he kneels down and looks into the camera.

Alex: See a lot of people have been asking me why I'm pushing for this match with you. Why I want it so badly. And do you wanna know what I tell them?

Alex pauses before he continues.

Alex: I tell them it's because my father is not the game anymore. He's a broken shell of the man he used to be.

The crowd ooohs agin as Alex stands up.

Alex: See you think that attacking me at Wrestlemania was made me so mad. No, that's not it. No... it's the feeling that your own father thinks your a failure. But I finally realized something.

Alex chuckles.

Alex: I'm not a failure. Because you wouldn't have attacked me if I was. No, you attacked me, you've attacked me repeatedly because you know in the deepest part of your soul that you are past your prime and the new king of kings around here.

Alex turns to the entrance way.

Alex: So accept my challenge dad. Accept my challenge for Summerslam, face me!!! Come on!!!

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