Chapter 44: Moving Home

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Today was the day that Alexander was moving his stuff out of the mansion and back into his family's mansion, though he did have a lot of stuff and not all of it would be going so most of it would be placed into a storage facility. After much thinking, Alexander decided to only take the essentials which included his musical equipment as his mother is gonna allow him to make the garage his music area.

After bringing the stuff that was going into the storage facility, they were now moving his stuff into the mansion, he'd be going into his old room. And he was also receiving help from Shane and Michael.

Alexander and Michael are seen carrying boxes into his old room as they set them down. His room did need to be cleared out as it became a storage room.

Michael: Wow, I can't believe your moving back into your old room.

Alexander: *Chuckles* I know right.

Michael: Alex, you know you don't gotta do this. I mean, I can still give you your mansion back.

Alexander: Oh now you tell me after all we've done today.

The two of them laugh.

Alexander: No, Mikey, this is good. It's great. Besides that mansion was big and I was the only one who lived there, now being back home. It's gonna be good.

Michael: Well if this is what you want.

Alexander: It is.

Michael: Alright. So have you decided when you are gonna tell mom and dad about you and Ronda?

Alexander: Not yet.

Just then they hear a noise and turn to see Shane standing in the doorway with a box in his hand.

Alexander: Hey, Shane.

Shane: Don't "hey Shane" me. *walks in and sets box down* You're with Ronda?

Alexander: Yeah.

Shane: Why didn't you tell me?

Alexander: It's only been a day.

Shane: You still could've told me, you know? Best friend over here.

Alexander: Next time I'll make sure to tell you first.

Shane: That's all I ask.

They laugh and then Shane goes off to get some more boxes.

Michael: He's a very good friend.

Alexander: The best.

Michael: Come on, let's go get the rest of the boxes.

*Time Skip*

So, Alexander, Shane and Michael got the rest of the boxes into his room, Alexander then spent the rest of the night organizing his room. Now he was going to the kitchen to get a drink.

Alexander: *Sees his mom sitting at the table* Hey mom.

Stephanie: *Looks up at him* Hi sweetie.

Alexander: Where's dad?

Stephanie: He went to bed early.

Alexander: Oh, so what are you doing?

Stephanie: About to head to bed.

Alexander: Right, of course. *Goes over to fridge and opens it* So I wanted to thank you. *Grabs soda and turns to her*

Stephanie: For what, sweetie?

Alexander: Letting me move home.

Stephanie: Of course. Alexander. This'll always be your home.

Alexander: Thanks mom.

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