Chapter 10: Breaking Bad

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January 15

The crowd pops as Alex comes out onto the stage but he didn't have his normal happy facial expression, he actually looked angry. This was due to the attack last week by Sheamus and Cesaro.

Alex comes down the ramp as he gets into the ring, he doesn't bother to pose for the crowd and he gets a mic.

Alex: Shut it off, now!

The crowd oohs.

Alex: Sheamus, Cesaro. Last week you attacked me. Me! Well guess what, the time for talking is over. Now get the hell out here. Right now!

The crowd oohs again as Alex throws the mic down as he just stands there.

And then....

Alex shakes his head with a look of disappointment as the crowd cheers as Seth makes his way out onto the stage with the raw tag team champion on his waist.

His music pauses as he starts to talk.

Seth: Alex, what are you doing? Now look I didn't mean to come out here and interrupt you because I like hearing you talk, Alex.

Seth continues down the ramp as he continues.

Seth: But look, I get your angry about what the bar did you. Believe me, I've been dealing with those two for months.

Seth gets into the ring as Alex just stares at him.

Seth: But look, I'm here right now to tell you to stop. Don't pick a fight that you can't win.

The crowd boos slightly.

Seth: Now, now, calm down. I'm only saying this because I love you, Alex. You're like a little brother to me. The bar are crazy dudes and they won't hesitate to end your career. So please, just don't pick a fight you can't win.

Alex scoffs as he bends and picks the mic up.

Alex goes to speak but stop when the crowd cheers, suddenly Alex low blows Seth as he falls to his knees as the crowd gives off a mixed reaction.

He just laughs as Seth starts to get up, Alex twirls his arm as he runs and bounces off the ropes as he comes back and hits Seth with a Prince effect.

Alex stands up, as he grabs the mic.

Alex: Never tell me what to do.

Alex throws the mic down as he walks out of the ring and goes up the ramp.

*Commerical Break*

*Commerical Break Ends*

Alex is seen walking backstage as he takes his tie off and throws it down and is then stop by Renee.

Renee: Alex, can you explain your actions by attacking Seth Rollins?

Alex: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't- I didn't mean for that to happen. I let my emotions get the better of me. Tonight it's about one thing and one thing only. The bar. And trust me, the Prince is just getting started.

Alex smirks and the crowd can't help but to cheer as Alex takes out a pair of sunglasses as he puts them on.


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