Chapter 48: After; Attacks

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Everyone is seen clapping for Alexander and Michael as they went backstage following their match. Alexander and Michael appreciated all of them as they wanted to put on the best match possible.

Alexander and Michael both see their mother and they walk over to her.

Stephanie: I'm so proud of both of you.

Alexander/Michael: Thanks mom.

Stephanie: You both did so great.

Michael: I would hope so. Look how bloody the two of us are.

Stephanie: Speaking of which...

Alexander and Michael are given towels as they wipe the blood off of their bodies. Then Stephanie leaves them to talk as Michael chuckles which Alexander takes notice too.

Alexander: What?

Michael: Nothing. It's just...I can't believe grandpa allowed us to blade ourselves and use blood in the match.

Alexander: I'd be worried if he didn't. You remember the last time he told you no?

Michael laughs.

Michael: Good point.

Alexander: Mikey uh there's something that I wanna tell you...

Alexander tries to speak but pauses as Michael raises a brow.

Michael: What is it?

Alexander: I just.... I wanna say thanks.

Michael: For what?

Alexander: You know what.

Michael: Not sure that I do.

Alexander: For letting me win the match.

Michael: Oh that! It's no problem. You needed it more than I do. Besides, you know how I feel about part timers and because I'm a part timer myself it wouldn't have been right or fair to take this victory away from you.

Alexander: Even so....thank you.

Michael: You're welcome, bro.

Alexander: Speaking of being a part timer, how much longer are you gonna be here?

Michael: What? Trying to get rid of me already?

Alexander: No, no, no. Actually it's quite the opposite, I'm not ready to see you leave yet.

Michael: Well you don't have to worry. Im sticking around until at least Extreme Rules.

Alexander: Great!

Michael: Yeah, well I'll see you later. I told Kayla I'd take her out to dinner after the show.

Alexander: Alright. We'll talk later.

The two of them clasp hands and then Michael walks away.

*The Next Night*

Raw goes on as planned following an unforgettable Money In The Bank as Ronda Rousey is suspended due to her actions against Kurt Angle and Alexa Bliss, and Dolph Ziggler wins the intercontinental champion from Seth Rollins.

Soon, The Deleter of worlds was taking on Titus Worldwide for the raw tag team champions. The match went mostly in the favor of Bray and Matt but soon Titus Worldwide got back into the fight as Titus delivered a spin buster to Matt and went for the cover.

Ref: 1. 2. Thr-

But the ref couldn't finish the count as Titus O'Neil was pulled out of the ring by a man wearing a black hood.

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