Chapter 24: We Are The Bar!

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March 19 2018

The crowd boos very loudly as the Bar's theme song plays, obviously the fans weren't excited to see them due to their attack on DX last week. Though DX becoming number one contenders at wrestlemania does make it better.

The lights dim as we see the bar on the stage doing their pose but it was different as the crowd starts laughing as the lights come back on and it's Alex and Shane dressed as Sheamus and Cesaro.

Alex was dressed as Sheamus whole Shane was dressed as Cesaro.

The commentators also start laughing well except for Corey, who was irritated.

Corey: What are they doing? This should be illegal! They should be arrested for impersonating the greatest tag team on gods green earth.

Coach: Oh come on, Corey! It's funny!

Michael: Gotta go with coach on this one.

Corey: Shut up, Michael.

Alex and Shane walk down the ramp as Alex has an angry look on his face obviously imitating Sheamus.

Shane goes to walk up the steel stairs but Alex moves him away and starts pointing at him causing the crowd to laugh.

Shane just covers his head and starts to fake a cry.

Alex then walks up the steel stairs and goes through the ropes but he trips before he can make it all the way inside and falls around inside the ring getting another laugh from the crowd.

Shane then gets in as he picks Alex up as Alex starts freaking out. The crowd just couldn't stop laughing as the music stopped.

Alex: *Imitating Sheamus* Belllaaaaa!!!

Shane: *Imitating Cesaro* You mean, Fella?

Alex: *Imitating Sheamus* No, I mean Bellllaaa!

Shane: *Imitating Cesaro* That doesn't even make sense, Sheamus. What does that even mean?

Alex: *Imitating Sheamus* I have no idea! *Groans* I've just been saying it for over ten years to try and get myself over but nothing never works, I'm still just a stupid person with no hope of ever getting the peoples respect.

Shane: *Imitating Cesaro* Oh buddy! *Hugs* It's okay. At least you're not me and still haven't won a world champion despite being over the crowd and everyone wanted to see me do it five years ago, but I could never get out of the shadow of my own potential. *Pulls away* And the fact that the company doesn't me as world champion material but I can't really blame them. I'm a loser and should never be allowed to hold the world title.

The crowd laughs.

Alex: *Imitating Sheamus* I feel better. I feel better. Thank you.

Shane: *Imitating Cesaro* Oh you're so welcome. So Sheamus, Buddy. I heard you had a surprise for me.

Alex: *Imitating Sheamus* Oh shimmie Jimmie, photon toonin, you're right!

Alex goes over and grabs a box from the apron as he goes over and hands it to Shane.

Shane: *Imitating Cesaro* Oh! I can't wait to see what it is! Hopefully it's my manhood back cause everyone knows that Jack Swagger took that years ago.

The crowd laughs and oohs as Shane opens the box and his eyes widen and he gets an angry look on face.

Shane: *Imitating Cesaro* What did you do!?

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