Chapter 45: Final Confrontations

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There was only three days left till Money in the bank and the wwe universe was buzzing about all of the matches, but the most anticipated match on the card was the main event match between Alex and Michael.

The two brothers have been at odds ever since Alex turned his back on Michael. Now the wwe universe couldn't wait to see what would happen in their match and hoped Michael would beat some sense into his brother.

But before that it was announced on that Michael Cole would have an exclusive interview with Alex and Michael in the same room to address each other before they're match.

It would take place on the wwe network and the fans were excited to see what would happen during the interview.

*Wwe Network Exclusive*

A room is seen with a table in the middle of it and chairs around it. The camera pans over to see Michael Cole walk into the room with a notepad and he goes over and takes a seat at the table.

He adjusts his chair and then sets his notepad down and looks into the camera.

Cole: Hello. My name is Michael Cole. A lot has happened here in the wwe since Wrestlemania, champions have changed hands, rivalries have continued, rivalries have begun. But probably the most talked about, the most brutal rivalry I've ever seen in my career has been Alex McMahon and Michael McMahon. Two brothers born out of blood now bitter enemies.

Cole pauses before continuing.

Cole: And now at Money In The Bank. It will be Alex McMahon Vs. Michael McMahon. But before that, right here, right now. We will have an tell all interview. So those of you at home please put your hands together for Michael McMahon.

The camera pans over to the right to see the door open up as Michael comes walking in. He walks over to the table and shakes Cole's hand before giving him a hug. Then he takes a seat at the table.

Cole: Michael, thank you for coming.

Michael clears his throat and then interlocks his fingers together and sets them down on the table.

Michael: Let's just get this over with.

Cole: Okay then. Ladies and gentlemen, Alex McMahon.

The camera pans over to the left to see the opposite door open up as Alex walks inside wearing a leather jacket and a pair of black sunglasses. He walks over to the table as Cole stands up to shake his hand, Alex looks down at his hand and shrugs it off and sits down.

Alex leans back and lifts his feet up to the table.

Alex: What's up, Mikey?

The camera backs away to see Michael glaring at Alex.

Cole: Okay, now here is how this is gonna work. I will ask each of you a question. You will get to answer the question and then the other will be able to offer their opinion to the answer. No interrupting. *Looks at Michael* Michael, we will start with you.

Michael: Okay.

Alex scoffs and looks away, Michael looks at him.

Michael: Is there a problem?

Alex looks back at him.

Alex: No, no, it's just.... It's just like you to go first. All the eyes have to be on you.

Michael: He's the one who said I'd go first.

Alex: Yeah because you probably paid him too.

Cole: Boys, boys, settle down.

Michael: Paid him? Are you kidding me?

Alex: It's how you've gotten everything else you have isn't it?

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