Chapter 38: Returns/Heartbreaking Betrayals

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May 21 2018

Seth Rollins is see backstage with his title on his shoulder with Titus Worldwide, Finn Balor, Bayley and R-Truth. They are currently looking at a monitor that was playing the video footage of Alex's attack on Michael that sent Michael to the hospital.

The video footage then ends.

Apollo: I just can't believe he did that.

Bayley: That was really messed up.

All of them agree that the attack on Michael was messed up and shouldn't have happened. Then Seth Rollins speaks up.

Seth: Alex crossed the line. Like really crossed the line. Especially doing that to his own flesh and blood. He really-

Bayley clears her throat as she was seen looking to the side of them as they all turn as the camera follows there gaze over where we see Alex standing there getting a boo from the crowd as Seth doesn't even finish his thought.

Alex chuckles and then walks over and stands face to face with Seth.

Alex: No, no, Seth. Don't stop on my account. Please, enlighten us on all what you were gonna say.

Seth: I was just gonna say that attacking your own brother is disgusting. And you shouldn't have done it.

Alex chuckles.

Seth: I say this as your friend, Alex. I know what it's like to have your father inside of your head, but you really need a reality check, Alex. And again I say this as your friend.

Alex laughs.

Alex: You know that's funny. That's really funny coming from you considering what you did.

Alex looks at the others that were behind Seth.

Alex: You guys remember don't you? *Looks at Seth* You remember don't you, Seth? When you took a steel chair and bashed off of the backs of Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. All for my father.

Seth: Yeah, yeah, I remember and I've felt guilty of it ever since. And I apologized.

Alex: Yeah, but you didn't really mean it. Did you Seth?

Seth looks down.

Alex then steps forward and leans into Seth's ear.

Alex: If it's consolation, I would've done the same thing.

Alex backs up.

Alex: You can't say anything about what I did, Seth. You can't say nothing. You know as I well as I know that what I did to Michael was the best thing I could've ever done for this godfoesaken company. I mean look around.....Michael comes off as a strong tough little man and yet where's he been? Huh, Seth? *Looks at the others* You guys know where's he at?

They don't answer as Alex laughs slightly.

Alex: It's okay. I know where he's at. He's lying in a hospital bed. Nursing the injuries that I caused him. And he's not coming...back. So as far as I'm concerned I have a night off come money in the bank. In fact why don't we watch the attack again, since you seem to enjoy it so much Seth?

Alex laughs enjoying what he had to done to Michael as he goes to step forward but Seth stands in front of him with a look of anger in his eyes.

Seth: How about I kick your ass right now?

The crowd cheers as Seth clenches his fist. Alex just shakes his head.

Alex: You're not worth it.

Alex then walks away as the crowd boos.

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