Chapter 62: The Main Event

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*Inside The Ring*

Triple H and Alex are seen glaring at each other.

Mike: This following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd cheers.

Mike: Introducing first, he is the challenger, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 220 pounds. He is the prince of revolution! Alex McMahon!

Alex kept his glare at his father as he took off his robe and set it over the top rope as the crowd cheered for him.

Mike: And his opponent from Greenwich, Connecticut, he is CEO of WWE and the game, Tripleeeeeeeeee H!!!!!

Triple H glares at his son.

Soon the bell rings as the two of them just stare at each other, they walk forward and go face to face.

Soon the bell rings as the two of them just stare at each other, they walk forward and go face to face

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The crowd cheers as Alex and Triple H exchange a few words. Finally, Triple H slaps his son across the face. Alex holds his jaw and chuckles.

Then Alex immediately starts striking his father with his punches, he gets him into the corner and kicks him repeatedly as the crowd cheers and Alex roars for them but Triple H just gets out of the ring to regroup not expecting this aggression right out of the gate.

But Alex didn't care for his father to take a break as he runs at the ropes and bounces off and Triple H turns just as Alex dives through the middle rope and takes Triple H down with a suicide dive and his father falls over the announcer table.

Alex roars for the crowd again as the ref begins the count, Alex walks around the announce table and a fan holds his hand out and Alex claps it then he grabs his father by the head, picks him up and drags him around the announcer table and slams his head on the table.

Triple H just pushes his son away and then tries to leave over the barricade but Alex runs and jumps over it and takes his father down.

Alex gets up, picks his father back up and sends him over the barricade. Alex climbs over the barricade, then goes to the ring and crawls inside and crawls back out, resetting the count.

Alex goes over to his father and grabs him, but suddenly Triple H strikes him in the gut with a steel chair causing Alex to fall down and groan in pain.

Stephanie as well the crowd looked shocked to see what Triple H had done. Triple H then slams the chair off the back of Alex a few times.

The ref then calls for the bell to rung as it rings.

Triple H hears it as he sees Mike Rome stand up.

Mike: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by disqualification, Al-

Mike couldn't finish as Triple H rips the microphone out of his hand. Then he starts yelling at him but Mike just tried to plead his case.

Triple H then goes back over to Alex as he kicks him in the face.

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