Chapter 18: Elimination Chamber 2018

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February 25 2018
Elimination Chamber

In the parking lot at the arena, a car pulls up as we see Alexander step out of it with his bag. He closes the car door as he heads into the arena.

He sees Ronda on the phone near the wall but he just keeps walking.

Ronda: Alex.

He stops and turns and sees Ronda come over to him.

Alexander: Hey, Ronda. Ready for the show tonight?

Ronda: Yep. Are you?

Alexander: Eh, ready as I can be.

Ronda: Yeah, so hey I wanted to ask. Back at the hotel last month. In the elevator.

Alexander: Yeah.

Ronda: You started to say something about your family but you didn't finish. What were you gonna say?

Alexander: Oh uh *Clears Throat* It was nothing. Hey, I gotta go get ready but we should talk later.

Ronda: Alright.

Alexander nods and then walks away leaving Ronda by herself.

Ronda then turns around as she sees Mercedes come up to her.

Mercedes: Hey, Ronda.

Ronda: Hey.

Mercedes: Were you just talking to Alexander?

Ronda: Yeah.

Mercedes: Cool. He's awesome.

Ronda: Can I ask you a question?

Mercedes: Of course.

Ronda: How well do you know him?

Mercedes: Um....I mean I've met him quite a few times before he started working here but not much.

Ronda: Not much?

Mercedes: Yeah, he uh never really came to shows or hung out.

Ronda: Why not? I've heard his brother Micheal loved coming to shows.

Mercedes: *Chuckles* Yeah, Michael and Alexander may be brothers but they're aren't really the same. I mean they are some ways but not really.

Ronda: What do you mean?

Mercedes: Michael loves wrestling but Alexander....not so much.

Ronda: Really?

Mercedes: Why are you interested in him anyways?

Ronda: No reason.

Mercedes: Alright, well good luck tonight.

Ronda: Yeah, you too.

Mercedes then walks away leaving Ronda to reflect.

Meanwhile with Alexander he goes to his father's office as he knocks on the door and opens it up and sees his grandpa and his father sitting at the desk.

Alexander: Sorry to interrupt.

Paul: No, no, of course not. Come in, Alexander. Vince was just leaving.

Vince: Yes. I am. I have some business to take care of.

Vince stands up.

Vince: Oh and Alexander. Your father and I were talking about the greatest Royal rumble. We'd like for you to plan the matches. Take over creative for it.

Alexander: Excuse me!?

Vince: *Chuckles* I'll leave you two to talk.

Vince then walks and pats Alexander on the back and leaves the office.

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