Chapter 12: Raw's 25th Anniversary Part 2

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We come back from commercial at the Manhattan Center as the crowd was cheering.

Just then...

The crowd cheers as Alex comes running out onto the stage as he falls to the ground and looks behind him as if he's looking for something, he slowly gets up to his feet as he puts his hand out.

The crowd laughs but were a little confused as to what was happening, he slowly walks backwards down to the ring as he finally turns around and gets into the ring.

He poses for the crowd and then his music fades.

Alex: Guys, I gotta be honest. *Pauses* I saw the Undertaker back there!

The crowd goes into a cheering frenzy as they chant "Undertaker".

Alex: Yo, I'm telling I was walking back there, eatin some popcorn, getting some butter, and then......BOOM! *Everyone flinches* I saw him! His eyes were behind his head and everything. Bro, he's as scary as they say, I honestly thought he was gonna take me to hell.

Just then one of the workers gets into the apron and Alex goes over to him.

They start talking to each other.

Alex: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Undertaker isn't the one who takes his victims to hell......It's Kane. No that can't be right. What about the whole dead thing? He'll just take my soul.

Alex looks up at the ceiling as he puts the mic down and then puts his hands together and closes his eyes.

Everyone was confused as to what he was doing, including the commentators.

Alex finally picks the mic up.

Alex: Amen. Oh sorry, I had to pray. See i'd rather keep my soul to tonight. But it's okay. God owes me a favor. He knows what I did for him. *Looks at the camera.* Oh crap I said that on national tv. Just uh forget what I said.

Alex goes and stands in the middle of the ring.

Alex: Now then, who's ready to battle?

He holds the mic up and the crowd cheers and Alex rolls out of the ring as he goes over and stands next to Jim and Jerry.

Soon, the Raw woman's championship battle Royal begins as each woman begins to try and win the match.

Sasha goes to eliminate Dana Brooke but Dana counters with a kick to the face.

Alex: Oh! And what a kick by Dana!

Soon the match continues as Alex was seen enjoying the match, it was now down to the final four which were Sasha Banks, Dana Brooke, Alexa Bliss and Bayley.

Bayley and Sasha are seen in the corner, Bayley was trying to eliminate her, Sasha gets her off with a head butt as Bayley stumbles backwards and Sasha grabs her by the head as she throws her over the top rope but Bayley hangs on.

Alex: Oh, and Bayley could be going out.

Jerry: You know, Alex, I heard a rumor that you and Alexa were going out. Any truth to the rumor?

Alex gives Jerry a look.

Alex: There's absolutely no truth to the rumor, Jerry. No offense to Alexa but she's not exactly my type.

Back inside the ring, Dana counters a ddt by Alexa as she pushes her away, Alexa turns around an Dana kicks her in the face. Dana picks Alexa up as she goes to eliminate her but Alexa lands on the apron.

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