Chapter 36: What If It's Not Just A Storyline?

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*After The Show*

Alexander is seen sitting a table scrolling through his phone. As he is sitting there, Shane comes over and sits down.

Shane: Hey, bro.

Alexander: Hey.

Shane: What are you doing?

Alexander: Just scrolling through twitter.

Shane: Oh yeah? What's Twitter saying?

Alexander: Nothing, really.

Alexander sets his phone down.

Shane: Hey, so... *Rubs the back of his neck* Could I ask you a question?

Alexander: Yeah.

Shane: This uh heel turn.....was it planned?

Alexander: Oh uh, well yeah, of course it was. My grandfather thought it'd be more interesting to have one of us play the heel and the logical option for the baby face was Michael.

Shane: Right, yeah of course. It's just....

Alexander: It's just what?

Shane: Your promos. The way you talk, the way you talked to your mom tonight....

Alexander: What about it?

Shane: It sounded like you were talking from experience instead of from a script.

Alexander: Oh uh, really?

Shane: Yeah, it make it sound like that's how you actually feel.

Alexander: Well I don't know about that. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later.

Alexander gets up and walks away from Shane as Shane sits there and taps the table.

Shane: Something is off with him lately.

*Time Skip*

Stephanie is seen in her office as Alexander knocks on the opened door.

Stephanie: *Sees him* Hey, sweetie.

Alexander: Hi mom. Could I come in?

Stephanie: Of course.

Alexander walks in and he closes the door as he turns to his mom and then rubs the back of his neck.

Alexander: Look I uh wanted to apologize for what I said on the show to you tonight.

Stephanie: Oh?

Alexander: I know some of it was scripted like the Daikon comment, by the way how'd you get his permission to allow me to bring him up?

Stephanie: He owed Michael a favor. Now Michael owes him a favor.

Alexander: Right, yeah. Uh anyways, Grandpa told me to just go out and just speak whatever comes to mind.

Stephanie: Yeah, that's what made it so great.

Alexander: Well, yeah I know. But I just...I wanted to apologize.

Stephanie: Alexander. You never have to be sorry.

Stephanie walks over to her son as she hugs him, Alexander recuperates the hug.

Stephanie: *While hugging* You've come along way, Alexander. And you're doing so well out there.

Alexander: *While Hugging* Thanks mom.

Stephanie: *Pulls away* Of course. Now I'm sorry to cut this short but I have an important phone call waiting.

Alexander: Alright, uh so I'll you get to it.

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