Chapter 4: Not Enough, But Just Right

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Stephanie: So, how does it feel being out there?

Stephanie and Alexander are seen backstage, they are talking about Alex's first two weeks in WWE.

Alexander: It's pretty fun I guess. At least it's only for a few months.

Stephanie: You really don't wanna be here, do you?

Alexander: Mom. *Sighs* I just wanna do my thing, be my own person. I don't want my legacy to be that of "Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's son." I wanna be a musician, I wanna go on tour, make a name for myself.

Stephanie: Alexander, you're dad and I just want what's best for you.

Alexander: Is this *Motions around* really what you think is best for me? All my life I've been defined by one thing. Wrestling. I loved it when I was younger but I'm not thirteen anymore. I'm not the same kid who trained for hours with dad and Uncle Shawn.

Stephanie: Hey, it's only for a few months, alright? Hey, look at the bright side at least your grandfather is letting you be yourself and not give you some gimmick that makes twitter explode with negativity.

Alexander: *Laughs* Ain't that awesome.

Stephanie: I am proud of you.

Alexander: For what?

Stephanie: Sticking in there, go out to the ring, putting aside the fact you don't wanna be out there.

Alexander: Thanks mom. I promise, I'll keep sticking it out.

Stephanie and Alexander hug and then pull away, as Alexander smirks and puts his funny glasses on.

Alexander: Now if you'll excuse me, I have some video games to go play.

Stephanie laughs as she hands Alexander his bag as he takes it and then gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Alexander heads out of the arena as he goes out to his car as he opens up the car door and sticks his bag inside.

He turns as he sees a car pull up as it parks, the door opens revealing Ronda Rousey.

He turns as he sees a car pull up as it parks, the door opens revealing Ronda Rousey

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Alexander looks up and down at her as he crosses his arms.

Alexander: Ronda Rousey.

Ronda: Alex McMahon.

Alexander: You're along way from Riverside.

Ronda laughs as she closes her car door as she moves her hand through her hair.

Ronda: I have a meeting with your father and grandfather.

Alexander laughs as he takes off his glasses as he puts them in the car.

Alexander: That should go well. What's the meeting about?

Ronda: Wrestling.

Alexander: Wrestling? Wow. Tired of the octagon?

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