Chapter 20: A Heartfelt Moment

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*At The Hotel*

Alexander is seen in the hotel cafeteria as he was getting some food. As he finishes getting what he wants, he turns around and bumps into Ronda.

Alexander: Hey Ronda.

Ronda: Hi Alex.

Alexander: Getting something to eat?

Ronda: Yeah.

Alexander: I recommend the popcorn.

Ronda giggles as Alexander stuffs his mouth full of popcorn.

Ronda: What is it with you and popcorn?

Alexander: I just love it so much.

They both laugh.

Alexander: No but seriously get the pizza. It's really good.

Ronda: Alright. I'll get the pizza. And the popcorn.

The two of them smile as Ronda gets her food while they talk.

Alexander: So tonight was good.

Ronda: Yeah, though I don't think the fans are to invested on me. They boo alot.

Alexander: You can't let that bother you, Ronda. See the fans, they get to choose who they boo and who they cheer.

Ronda: Yeah but I mean if they boo, isn't that a bad thing? I mean, does it mean they don't like me?

Alexander: Then that's where you do something to get them to cheer. Look, the fans... they are gonna boo you or cheer for you. It's just how it is. But it's your job as a performer to get them to give you the reaction your looking for.

Ronda: Wow. I never thought about it like that.

Alexander: Like here.... Uh....

Alexander sets his plate down and then picks up a spatula.

Alexander: Watch.

Ronda: What are you doing?

Alexander: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Monday night RAW!!!

Ronda was surprised by Alexander as she takes a step back and didn't know what to do.

Alexander: You know I was standing in the back and they asked me to come out here and give a ten minute promo and welcome you all to the show but I can't do that. Because I have a problem. The problem I have is with Roman.....Reigns. See it wasn't too long ago when he stood out in this ring and called himself the big dog, but now that I'm out here, now that I'm standing in this ring wanting to fight him, he's in the back being a little bitch.

Alexander pauses and then looks at Ronda.

Alexander: Just something like that.

Everyone in the cafeteria claps for Alexander and he takes a bow as Ronda giggles.

Ronda: That was pretty good. I give it a seven.

Alexander: Ouch. A seven? Damn I gotta work on my promo game.

Ronda: I'm joking. It was good. Very good.

Alexander: Don't worry Ronda. You're new to all of this. So you'll get it. But the promo's.... the promos are nothing to when you're in the ring wrestling.

Ronda: That I'm a little nervous on. I mean, what if I screw up?

Alexander: You won't.

Ronda: What makes you say that?

Alexander: Because.... You're Ronda Rousey.

Ronda smiles as Alexander grabs his plate of food as the two start walking to a table.

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