Chapter 52: To The Extreme

461 18 11

July 15 2018
Extreme Rules

Extreme Rules had come and the fans were excited for the matches that would happen like Seth Rollins Vs. Dolph Ziggler for the intercontinental champion, and also the steel cage tag team match between The Revival and Alex McMahon and his brother Michael.

Which brings us to the first match of the evening.

Mike: This opening contests is scheduled for one fall and it is a steel cage tag team match.

The crowd pops giving off a huge reaction as the steel cage starts lowering to the ring, soon it was all the way around and the crowd couldn't wait to see this match.

The revival come out to loud boos as they don't even acknowledge the crowd as they start walking down the ramp.

Mike: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 446Ibs, from Asheville North Carolina, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, The Revival!

The crowd boos as Scott and Dash both look at the cage and grab it, they were determined to end Michael and Alex tonight. The two of them get into the ring and pose as the crowd continues to boo them.

Soon, their music fades as they wait for their opponents. The lights go off as the crowd cheers but go silent.

A drum effect is heard throughout the arena as the tron starts to static.

The static stops and soon, a guitar solo is heard throughout the arena.

The titantron starts to static again and then two previous moments are shown.

(A/N: Imagine its Alex hitting the prince effect on Scott and Michael hitting the stunner on Dash

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(A/N: Imagine its Alex hitting the prince effect on Scott and Michael hitting the stunner on Dash.)

Fire consumes the titantron as.....

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