Chapter 22: DX return...? Sort of....

831 26 35

March 12 2018

The crowd was buzzing tonight as DX will return, but it wouldn't be the same DX, it would Alex Mcmahon and Shane Michaels and everyone was excited to see how this new version of DX was.

After Alexa Bliss and Dana Brooke brawl around the arena, we go backstage as a camera was running towards the parking lot.

Michael: Could it be? Are they here?

Then we see a limo pull up that has the words "DX" sprayed painted onto it.

Michael: They are! Corey, they're here!

Corey: This is a travesty!

Coach: No Corey, this is awesome!

The limo door opens and after a few seconds Alex comes out to a massive pop.

The crowd also laughs due to the shirt he was wearing.

The crowd also laughs due to the shirt he was wearing

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Alex: This is gonna fun, Shane. I'm telling you.

Alex starts walking.

Alex: So I'm just gonna tell you *Realizes Shane isn't with him* Shane. Shane. *Goes back to limo* Come on.

Shane: No. No, I can't. I changed my mind.

Alex: You can't change your mind. We're already here.

Shane: Well I did. I changed my mind. Let me know how it goes.

Alex: Shane, get out here now.

Shane: No.

Alex gets into the limo as we hear a scuffle going on inside as the crowd laughs, we also hear the two talking but they're words indistinct.

Finally Alex gets out and Shane comes out soon after to a loud pop.

Alex: You ready?

Shane: Yeah, yeah. I'm ready. Let's go.

Alex and Shane start walking.

Alex: So I'm telling you, things around here are pretty different than you'd expect. I mean, every week, things just change on a dim. You never know what to expect.

Just then Akira Tozawa jumps down from one of the semis.

Akira: Can I get autograph?

Then Shane super kicks Akira and he falls to the ground.

Alex: I uh don't think he meant any harm. He just wanted an autograph.

Shane: Oh I know. Yeah, I know.

Alex: Oh alright.

Alex and Shane continue to walk and as they walk they see Jamie Noble come up to them.

Jamie: Alex. I have your popcorn that you requested.

Alex: Yes! Thank god!

Alex takes the popcorn and shoves some into his mouth but he spits it out.

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