Chapter 5: Let's Talk

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"What have I gotten myself into?!"

Kilgorian has abandoned his formal training in light of the current situation, lounging back in the Empress' chair at the far end of the table. He's holding a cold cloth to the side of his face to reduce the swelling, gulping down his second glass of wine.

During my breakdown in Arlo's arms, Kilgorian finally managed to get to his feet to do some damage control. He discouraged the guards who were roaming the halls from entering despite their protests. Apparently a passing servant overheard some shouting and thumping, so they quickly ran to find help. Kilgorian assured the men that he and Arlo had things handled. They seemed to trust his word. After locking all of the main doors, Kilgorian went through the servant's door to cancel the rest of dinner so we could be left alone. He returned with a fresh bottle of wine and a new glass. He then made himself comfortable and waited.

Once I was finally done crying, Arlo carefully guided me back to my chair. He grabbed the Emperor's seat and dragged it across the carpet so he could sit right by my side. We all sat in silence as my father and I stared at each other with such concentration.

After Kilgorian finally broke the silence, he poured himself a third glass of wine and continued to gulp. It was a rhetorical question, but Arlo answered him anyways.

"This can't be worse than serving that little sociopath-"

Kilgorian forcefully slammed his glass down on the table. "Don't call him that..."

"He was insane!" Arlo exclaims.


I bang my fists against the armrests of my chair to get their attention. "ENOUGH!"

They both fall silent once more. Kilgorian goes back to drinking as Arlo begins to tend to my wounds. I continue to watch my father.

"Let's talk..."

"I don't think-"

I place my hand out to silence Kilgorian. "Not you."

He looks from me to Decimus' empty chair. He rolls his eyes as he sits further back in his chair in defeat. "Here we go..."

I ignore him, turning back to my father. "Why am I seeing you if this isn't a dream?"

Arlo seems apprehensive about the whole situation as he wraps my forearm, but he doesn't stop me.

I continue, "Why am I awake?"

My father laughs at my stupidity. "I've been trying to break out of your subconscious mind for quite some time now, Candra. It's not normal for someone to have as many nightmares as you do..."

"So you did this on purpose?"

"You wanted me to be a conscious thought. I was meant for this."

I look at him with disgust. "I didn't want this!"

"You're forgetting the rules, Candra..."

He was a part of my subconscious, therefore whatever he said or did was what I wanted him to say or do. If he wanted to be a part of my reality, then that's what I wanted.

"Exactly." He takes another sip of his wine.

"So you used my nightmares to worm your way out of my head."

"Technically I'm still in your head. It's not like anyone else can see or hear me."

I spare a glance at Kilgorian who is watching me with wonder, and then Arlo who looks up from his work on my hand with concern.

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