Chapter 16: Mount Up

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The sun was peeking over the horizon just as we were buckling our saddles to our horses. It was almost time to put our plan into action; to take the biggest step towards ending it all.

Kilgorian's saddle slides off his steed, thumping to the floor. He begins to mumble under his breath, frustrated as he grabs the heavy saddle with great difficulty to try buckling it once more. I move to help him, reaching for the leather strap.

"Manage your own horse." Kilgorian spits out angrily as he swats my hand away. I can smell the alcohol on his breath without even trying.

He's frowning and rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand as the sun shoots in his direction, blinding him momentarily. He drops the saddle a second time. The swearing continues.

"How much did you drink last night?"

"What's it to you?"

He kicks the saddle in frustration, startling the horse momentarily. I lay my hands on the horse's neck to stroke his mane, soothing the animal before turning back to Kilgorian to do the same thing.

"I just want to make sure you're alright."

"I know my duty, Candra. I'll protect you."

"That's not what I meant." I grab the saddle off the ground and lift it to place onto his horse. I begin to buckle it before he can protest. "You may be in my service thanks to the promise you made to Decimus, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends. You can't stop me from caring about you."

"Watch me." He challenges.

I counter, "You won't push me away."

"Then I'll walk away." To prove some ridiculous point, he abruptly turned and marched back to the house. He was trying to maintain some sense of pride by the action, but I knew that he was just retrieving his satchel from our bedroom.

I turn so I can continue preparing my horse, but I'm startled by the sudden appearance of Loxley. She stares at me intently, waiting for me to speak. I look around for Rowan to make sure our conversation won't be overheard by him. He was busy with his own horse as he spoke to Arlo about the route we would take to Tiberius' training grounds.

I quickly address Loxley to put her at ease, "I meant what I said... I won't take the throne. But I'm going to need your help in convincing Rowan to take it."

"What about the royal bastards?"

"They're our backup plan."

"I still prefer my backup plan..."

"Killing me is no longer an option, Loxley, and you know it!"

She nods disappointedly, "I won't try it again. You have my word." She sizes me up as she asks, "Why didn't you tell the others the truth? What do you want from me?"

"Aside from your assistance with Rowan and this mission?" I consider my motives in keeping her assassination attempt a secret, and then admit to her, "I don't know. I think I just like the idea of having you in my debt. It seems safer than having your blade at my throat."

I attempt to move around her to get back to my horse, but she grabs my arm to stop me by her side.

"I don't like being in someone's debt." She admits aggressively.

"Tough shit." I bite back, and then I yank my arm free to walk away from her triumphantly.

Loxley huffs as she stomps back to her horse just as Kilgorian shuffles out of the house and slinks back to his, not making a secret of his determination to avoid my gaze.

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