Chapter 52: Dearest Relations

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When my eyes calmly fluttered open with tears brimming, I couldn't help but breath a heavy sigh of regret and longing. Why did my reality have to be so far off from my loving dream, and then so frighteningly accurate to my nightmares? I glare up at the night sky, cursing myself for allowing a glimmer of happiness to sneak into my subconscious at such a critical time. It was like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey as a trick to make it move forward, only I know that capturing the treat is completely impossible.

I want to yell at my father for this cruel trick, or at least ask him if there was a meaning behind showing me this strange scene. But when I push myself up and look around for his apparition, he's nowhere to be found. I find myself getting increasingly annoyed.

Arlo and Evander are still out on patrol. I had them keep an eye on the Galacians in the gorge. As soon as they gave us the all clear, we would be back on our feet.

Camilla was surprisingly attentive despite the night air. At some point during my own slumber she had awaken from hers to relieve Theo and Kilgorian from their guard duties. I wasn't too comfortable with someone as physically weak as her guarding both Arrian and my brother, but at least the two prisoners seemed to be fast asleep.

I settled on watching Kilgorian and Theo. They were leaning against a sizable log with a small bottle of wine between them. They didn't seem to notice me spying from a distance. Nevertheless I felt the need to hold my breath as I invaded their private moment.

Theo's eyes were fluttering and he was more slumped over than his drinking partner. He must have been continuing his quest to drink his share, or perhaps he had exceeded his fill; Kilgorian looked barely affected as if he had only taken a sip or two from the bottle. Kilgorian somberly lifted the bottle to his lips. In a frenzied flash, Theo grabbed the bottle from Kilgorian's hand before he could drink. Theo took another huge swig. This seemed to be his limit. His eyes closed completely as his body slipped further down to the ground. In the same breath, Kilgorian snatched the bottle before his unconscious friend could drop it and then cradled Theo's head back to rest comfortably against the log. Kilgorian chuckled softly to himself as he settled back next to him. He looked at the near empty bottle in his hand, drumming his fingers against the glass as he internally debated something. After a long pause, it seemed like he was caving in. Once again he began to slowly lift the bottle to his lips.

I will never know if Theo moved intentionally or if it was just a drunk reaction, but either way it seemed to be the act that changed Kilgorian's ways for the better.

Theo slightly rolled towards Kilgorian and began to lean into him for warmth. Eyes still shut in apparent slumber, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Kilgorian's slightly raised arm. It stopped the boy from drinking; Kilgorian was frozen in place, startled by the gesture.

Theo mumbled against his friend's bicep, slurring his words as he drooled on the boy's exposed skin. "N-... no mo-... no... more."

It didn't matter if he was refusing to drink anymore himself or if he was pleading with Kilgorian not to drink the rest. Kilgorian smiled at Theo's words before using his free hand to grab the trapped bottle. Determined to obey, he poured out the last of the drink on the ground and tossed the empty bottle aside.

"As you wish." He muttered back, never letting his small smile leave his lips.

Theo reacted by sliding one of his hands into Kilgorian's, still gripping his arm so tightly in an affectionate manner. Kilgorian let the man sleep as he kept a wary eye on Camilla and our prisoners.

Once it was apparent that the sweet scene was no longer meant to progress for the night, I turned my probing gaze away from the boys. I should feel embarrassed for spying and eavesdropping, but then again who in this camp hasn't been guilty of the same crime? All I truly felt was an overwhelming need to thank Theo for walking into Kilgorian's life before it was too late.

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