Chapter 27: Find Him

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"So are you going to tell me what that was all about?"

I try my best to evade Rowan's incessant questioning as I stomp through the streets of Antigo. He hadn't closed his mouth since we left the others over an hour ago. He's faster than I had anticipated, following on my heels without showing any signs of wavering. It was getting too hot with the sun beating down on my overly covered figure. I couldn't pull down my hood and sash for fear of exposure, so slowing down my pace was my only option to relieve myself.

Rowan crashed into my back when I stopped without warning. I spin around with a sigh, "What do you want me to say, Rowan?"

He rolls his eyes, "Just tell me why you were so fixed on our pairings! We just wasted a half an hour fighting with the others because of it, and I still don't understand why we settled on the pairs we did."

I continue down the busy street with Rowan now at my side. We continue to survey our surroundings as I mindlessly answer his questions, leaving out the more important details. "Kilgorian wasn't going to come with me despite his promise to Decimus to protect me. He's a little angry with me right now. Theo is the best person to manage him at the moment."

"That didn't stop him from arguing over the notion of not pairing you with Arlo. Why did you fight them both on this?"

"I wanted Arlo to work with Loxley. What's wrong with that?"

He laughs coldly at my ridiculous response. "You refused protection from the two people you seem to trust the most right now. That's what's wrong."

"I wanted our two strongest fighters in the center of the city where most of the Romallian guards are patrolling. It's not safe for me to be there, nor is it for you since you're not partial to murder." I offer with a shrug.

He ignores my slight as he continues, "And what did you say to Arlo when you pulled him aside? How did you convince him to go along with this?"

I told Arlo the truth; that I was afraid Loxley would either kill the bastard or my brother given the chance, so I needed him to manage her.

But I couldn't reveal any of this to Rowan. I wasn't ready to tell him about Marcus, nor was I convinced that telling him about Loxley's fierce desire to put him on the throne was the smartest thing to do right now.

"He wasn't happy about leaving me, but he understood the importance of doing so. It took a lot of words and promises to reassure him that I would be safe and that I could protect you. He gave in begrudgingly once he realized it was our best option. As you saw, once Arlo was on board with the plan, Kilgorian agreed as well. End of argument." I turn to him and force a smirk despite the sash over my face, "Like I said before... I can be very persuasive."

I hoped this will be the end to his inquiry, but he presses on.

"So what did you say to Theo when you pulled him aside?"

I pleaded with Theo to make sure that he captured the assassin instead of killing him. I told him that no matter what the murderer revealed, he had to make sure that Kilgorian didn't kill him. Theo was curious about my motives, but he was kind enough to keep his questions to himself. He seemed to trust my judgment on this, agreeing to keep Kilgorian and the assassin at bay if they were to encounter one another.

But again, I couldn't reveal this to Rowan without him questioning my motives for sparing the assassin. It had nothing to do with any prejudices against Galacians since he was already working closely with Loxley and Arlo...

I just still wasn't ready to completely trust him with the knowledge of my brother's role in all of this.

"I just gave him some tips on how to deal with Kilgorian in case he lashed out. Theo seems confident that he can help him..."

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