Chapter 17: Mending Fences

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"You have her eyes."

Rowan slowly twisted in his saddle to catch my gaze as I brought my steed forward to match his. We had been on the road all morning riding in silence. The only time we acknowledged each other was with whistles or nods while patrolling the route to avoid potential discovery. I was tired of the silence, so I decided to join Rowan at the front of our pack for a bit of conversation. He had been avoiding me ever since the previous morning when I flipped his plan without his consent, and then gave him no choice but to follow it.

He knew what I meant, but he waited for me to elaborate.

"There's a painting of your mother hanging in the palace. She was very beautiful."

"I've never seen a picture of her, so I'll take your word for it." He admitted forlornly.

"When we win the war, you should visit the Romallian palace to see it."

"Will you take me?"

"No." The word slipped out before I could soften the blow, so I stumble over my explanation in hopes of removing the hurt expression on his face. "I never want to step foot in that palace again. When this war is over, I'm leaving this place forever."

"You'll leave the Empire?"

I nod. "My brother and I should have done it eight years ago after my father's execution. I wasn't welcome here. I should have taken the hint."

"You're wanted here now."

"Too little, too late."

He frowned into the blazing sunlight, scanning the horizon as we continued to canter down the road. "It's going to take more than that to stop me from trying to convince you to be our Empress."

I smile knowingly. "I imagined so. You can expect the same determination from me."

He smirks in return, amused by the prospect of our little competition.

I jump back into interrogation mode. "Have you ever seen your father?"

"Yes... from a distance. Loxley took me to the Capital once."


"The day after the first attack on the palace." He takes in my expression. I could only imagine that I looked both confused and cross at the same time. He confirmed my suspicions, "I was hidden in the crowd in the Capital square when Maximus announced that Decimus was killed. I was glad to find that I shared little resemblance to the man." He chuckled clumsily.

I shared this sentiment, knowing that I could never work so closely with Rowan on this mission if he were to be a constant reminder of the Emperor. In fact, in our short acquaintance I found myself forgetting on occasion that Rowan was Maximus' son. It wasn't as obvious as it was with Decimus, both visually and in character.

But joke aside, I was still annoyed that he actually watched me suffer and did nothing about it. It was different when I thought he remained at a distance during this whole sordid affair.

He took in my continued irritation, realizing that his attempt to lighten the mood fell on deaf ears. "I'm sorry, Candra. I already told you that I couldn't let you leave the palace just yet..."

"Then why were you there if you weren't going to save me?"

He looks down at his reigns, slightly embarrassed. "I was worried about you."

At first I imagine that he means on a personal and emotional level, but then he corrects himself to assure me that his worry was merely based on his scheme.

He shakes off the look of embarrassment as he declares, "My plan revolved around your survival. I wasn't prepared to start over if Arlo failed..."

"So I guess you were practically hyperventilating with relief when I walked out onto that balcony."

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